
« Friday April 17, 2009 »
Start: 8:00 pm
End: 8:00 pm

Ludum Dare is a regular community driven game development competition. The goal is, given a theme and 48 hours, to develop a game from scratch. Ludum Dare aims to encourage game design experimentation, and provide a platform to develop and practice rapid game prototyping.

Ludum Dare, though heartily endorsed by Glorious Trainwrecks, is not organized by Glorious Trainwrecks, so posting of progress, etc. should happen over here. But if you do make something, please post a link to it here so we can enjoy it!

Start: 8:00 pm

See here for details about our first Community Chainwreck!

Sign up below to be reminded a couple of days in advance to PM your levels to snapman.

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