Revision of Strong from Mon, 03/01/2010 - 13:53

Strong's picture

Strong is a 15-year-old gamesmith from Suburban Massachusetts. He's been making Glorious Trainwrecks since Janurary of 2007, and has made such classics as "Can You Jump It?" and "On The Shoulders of Dinosaurs", which you probably haven't played. He made seven games for the Pirate Kart II, some of which you might have played by now! His favorite games are good ones and he oneday hopes to make a game that a lot of people will like and that might even get him featured on an indie games blog or something.

Man, that biography is pretty weak. I guess I'll just have to add some dinosaurs. T-Rex. Triceratops. Brontosaurus. Velociraptor. Stegosaurus. STRONGOSAURUS.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2