Diff for Melon Collie

Wed, 02/22/2012 - 15:14 by skatebordenSat, 02/25/2012 - 15:54 by skateborden

Oops, I forgot to make the game quit when the user hits escape. I fixed that and a little issue with the timing of the splash screen reappearing if the user doesn't do anything for awhile, and added icons.

Tried to make my game a little more friendly for the pirate kart launcher, with smaller file sizes, and also added a page for those who would rather play it in the browser.

Changes to Game link
 +url: http://dreambuttons.com/meloncollie/

Current revision:
skateborden's picture

Melon Collie


A game for the generous kickstarter donor whose game idea was "melon collie."

Made For: 
An event