Revision of Twine: mix HTML tags and Twine markup syntax from Thu, 06/06/2013 - 04:13

Just now I was thinking to myself, "Why is it that inline HTML must be stuck between the <html> tags in Twine, anyway? Would it be possible to make HTML usable intersperced with Twine syntax?" So I decided to give it a try. The resulting Javascript code is as follows:

(function () {
	var bs = String.fromCharCode(92);
			name: "htmltag",
			match: "<"+bs+"w+(?:(?:"+bs+"s+"+bs+"w+(?:"+bs+"s*="+bs+"s*(?:"+'"'+".*?"+'"'+"|'.*?'|[^'"+'"'+">"+bs+"s]+))?)+"+bs+"s*|"+bs+"s*)"+bs+"/?>",
			tagname: "<("+bs+"w+)",
			void: ["br", "hr", "area", "img", "input", "embed", "param", "source", "track"],
			handler: function (a) {
				var re, tn, e;
				re = new RegExp(this.tagname).exec(a.matchText);
				tn = re && re[1];
				if(tn) {
					e = document.createElement();
					e.innerHTML = a.matchText;
					e = e.firstChild;
					if(this.void.indexOf(tn.toLowerCase()) == -1) {
						a.subWikify(e, "<" + bs + "/" + bs + "s*" + tn + bs + "s*>");

This code will allow you to put HTML tags in Twine passage text, and have them function in the compiled game. Note: it requires all HTML tags to be properly closed, with the exception of the so-called "void tags" that have no closing pair (br, hr, area, img, input, embed, param, source, track). Unmatched end tags will be ignored!

Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.