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fizzhog's picture

Mabel Normand Rocks!


Another silly little thing for Grid Grind 2020. Made in a few days to get me out of a game making rut and learn some more Unity. I threw dice to select from the grid and got 163: Online Chat Room; Mabel; Edible Rocks. The environment is made out of screenshots from the hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord - because when I was throwing around ideas in there sergio pointed out that we were in a online chat room. The main mechanic - collide with one thing to go faster and another for game over - came about from playing Jake Clover's recent game here on GT. The music is 'Hello Mabel' by Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band which is about Mabel Normand. I'm grateful that researching for this jam led me to learn about Mabel, a huge star and important pioneer in the early days of cinema now largely forgotten.

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thesycophant's picture

Frank Sinatra in "River, Stay Away From My Door"


Why won't the river stay away from Frank Sinatra's door? Help Frank guide his beloved door to safety away from the river, up above, where the river can't rise any higher (he's so all alone!).

Press 'X' to jump and press 'Z' while standing next to the door to pick it up.

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the yellow chronicle

Game File: 

A platform adventure game. Use the arrow keys. There a few different environments to explore and you can jump (only where it is allowed) and listen to the music. I like the first half of the game, but now looking back I think the second half should have gone in a more unexpected direction to make it more exciting. I got lazy and was trying to finish it quick.

Includes readme.


siege - cyanide

Jake Clover
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ExciteMike's picture

Liquid Crystal Crocodile


Trying out making something like the Donkey Kong Jr. LCD game.

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lcdcroc.zip665.67 KB
madamluna's picture


Picture 67.png

5 DAYS A FUCKFEST A YAHTZEE GAME BY YAHTZEE (and myself, abner cadaver and khoroshonov)

art by abner, screencaps grabbed by khoro, writing by myself
windows/mac/linux versions included

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Wertpol's picture

Prof. EagleEye 4


The Prof. is not done finding differences, oh no.
Not even close.
His newest adventure brings him to the edge of the universe.

-So many differences
-Less of a black sheep in the series than MUHAMMAD 4
-More differences than in the first and third one
-Less differences than in the second one
-All shiny and new
-A lot harder than the other ones because everything is mirrored thanks to Noyb being mean
-The prof would beat Noyb in finding differences

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An event


Draknek's picture

Camouflage Snake

Game File: 

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Terry's picture

Terry Cavanagh: World's Most Dangerous Accordion Player

Game File: 

An autobiographical game, made for KOTM.

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Klik of the Month Klub #33 (Mar 2010)
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