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EasyQuest III: Mage Story

Game File: 

The thrilling conclusion to the EasyQuest trilogy. Restore the world to its former glory! Only a tiny mage has the power!

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Eight Free Sound Effects

Game File: 

i hope this is okay. if it gets taken down that's okay

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Klik Bot's picture

Beep Boop

Beep Boop.

Twine bugfix: "and" and "or" in strings in <<set>>, <<print>> and <<if>>

Update: this has been fixed in Twine 1.4, so this is no longer necessary.

As you know from reading my macro reference, code parameters passed to <<if>>, <<set>>, <<print>> and <<remember>> have their operators ("and", "or", "$", "not", etc.) converted to Javascript equivalents ("&&", "||", etc.) when they're executed.

But, due to a bug, this conversion is also applied to "operators" that are inside strings passed to these macros. So, <<print "Vast and large">> will print "Vast && large", and <<print "You find $10">> will print "You find state.history[0].variables.10".

Now, I've sent out a pullreq to the Twine GitHub repo that fixes this, but in the meantime, if you're stymied by this bug, you can fix it with this script:

Obsolete script removed: use Twine 1.4

Again, note that in some versions this will be loaded after the Start passage has rendered.

Version history:
* 2/7/13 - Bugfix for "She's cute" string.
* 5/5/13 - Bugfix.
* 25/4/13 - Initial.
Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.

SpindleyQ's picture

MarMOTS update

So now that Game Maker is $40 and Construct 2 will eventually be $65, I've found myself turning back to MarMOTS and wondering what it would take to get it into shape as a game-making tool.

My first focus has been getting my scripting language / editor into shape. I lump the two together because the scripting language, while textual, is never parsed from free text; instead, the user is edits the source tree directly using a friendly structured editor, with lots of autocomplete help, and in which it is literally impossible to forget a semicolon or a closing parenthesis. For power users, it should be as fast or faster to type in programs with this editor than with a text editor, and yet newbies will still be able to discover all of their options in a nicely readable self-describing English syntax.

So over the past couple of weeks I have torn apart my previous attempt at this language and rebuilt it. I've arrived at the point where I can type in any programs I like, and add features to the language without much effort. The UI is still pretty painful to use at this point, but that's mostly because I haven't focussed on improving the interaction at all besides making sure auto-complete is usable.

I was thinking I should maybe do like a screencast or something, but the scripts don't DO anything yet. I'm thinking that the next step will be to start integrating the scripting language with ANSI layouts that I draw in MarMOTS. I'm pretty excited to start hacking on that stuff! You should be too.

Zecks's picture

Very mans hat adventure


This isn't for any event (except in the past). I was browsing around and remembered that I made 2 games here before the site got the actual game submitting form and game lists. Might as well add them now.

you are a very man and you are going to your favorite restaurant
the thing is, you have to be wearing a fancy hat to get in!

theres been a word lately that theres hat bandits in the highways and
you have to go just through those ways to get there!
whack those pesky hat robbers into oblivion and go eat your hat food!!

(the only way to beat the game is to rapidly mash the punch button to fend the bandits off. 90% of the time it will glitch though and you're better off trying to [bad metaphor] a [bad metaphor] than beating this thing)

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Son of a dolphin's picture

The Hunter's Dance


A little thing i made with stencyl, hopefully not too bad, i didn't really enjoy making it too much, but i learned a lot, and i made my impulsive idea a reality.

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Danni's picture

Vector 3D Jam Multi-Game Pirate Kart

Mon, Sep 19 2011 11:00 PM
09/20/2011 - 01:00
09/24/2011 - 22:00

So what is this all about? Well, the folks at Sonic Fan Games HQ hold their own trainwrecking event on a yearly basis called RAGE. You can read about it here. A trainwrecking event without Glorious Trainwrecks is sad, so therefore I propose...

The Vector 3D Jam Klik & Play Multi-Game Pirate Kart!

What is a Klik & Play Pirate Kart, you might ask? From the words of SpindleyQ himself:

"A Klik & Play Pirate Kart is a staggering collection of awesome and/or terrible games. All of the games are made in a single 48-hour period. No game is allowed to take more than two hours to make. Contributors continuously churn out games, non-stop, all weekend. When the weekend is over, the result is pure glory. It is an experience unlike anything else that has ever occurred on earth."

What does this have to do with RAGE? Well, we shall make a thematic Pirate Kart as our entry to RAGE! Just think about it! Instead of just one game like most RAGE entrants, we submit many games, because we all know that quantity is better than quality! (Except that we'll pretend it's all one game so that Slingerland doesn't get mad.)

You can start making games NOW! Just be sure you go for quantity! As soon as you're finished with one game, keep making games until the event is over, if you can! The madness goes until 10PM EST, September 24th, to give us a little leeway to submit the whole thing in time. Unlike us, RAGE doesn't allow Cheating at Hanging Out With Friends, so it is imperative that folks stop making games when the deadline has passed.

Oh, and this is also important. All games must feature Vector the Crocodile. Don't ask. I didn't make up these rules. If you are finding that this is limiting your creativity, then just pretend to make a normal unthemed Trainwreck like usual and then replace everything with Vector when you're done.

You can hop on IRC -- server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. If you don't have a game-making tool, try Klik & Play. This FAQ will tell you how to use it.

When you are finished with one of your games, click this link to submit it to the list.

Edit: We won!

bossact-030.png25.08 KB

Games made for Vector 3D Jam Multi-Game Pirate Kart


Game File: 

2 hour game !
This is a travel memory : it's about me trying to quietly read Proust despite the distractions around me back in 2008 the first time I went to India.
controls : arrows, shift to jump

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Man Cannon

Game File: 

OS X download: http://l.j-factor.com/gamemaker/MacManCannon.zip

Run over enemy soldiers to collect them. Shoot them at other soldiers to incapacitate them temporarily. Shoot them at tanks to destroy them.
Resist the invading army!
Your tank can only withstand four hits.

You will face several kinds of foes!

Standard soliders fire a bullet.
Big Guys are armed with a spread gun.
Pyromaniacs shoot limited-distance flames.
Tanks fire very fast shells.
The Generalissima must be defeated to claim victory.


W, A, S, D - move tank
Mouse - move crosshair
Mouse click - fire cannon in that direction
Space, arrows - navigate the menu

Made For: 
An event
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