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dessgeega's picture


Game File: 

OH NO! an evil wizard has ENSORCLED you and your three friends! now all four of you move as a single unit! can you and your friends work together to get through this dastardly GAUNTLET?

player 1: Q
player 2: Z
player 3: M
player 4: U
press SPACE to make all characters fire!

if you've only got two players, each player controls two characters!

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Scroungin_4_Catsup's picture

Dimensions of the Boxy Hop-Dog


A blocky creature hops around on screen, and you use the mouse to measure its various body parts (in pixels). Sometimes it's facing you, other times it's facing away, and other times it's looking to the left or right. You'll have to be patient if you want to document all of the dimensions... of the Boxy Hop-Dog.

Inspired by that classic question "The Pokédex lists the height of each Pokémon. How do they measure the Pokémon?"

The dimensions are randomized each time you play.

There are a few quirks (listed in the readme) but overall I'm very pleased with how this turned out. I was originally going to make 'better' looking art but I got so used to my placeholder art that I just ran with it. I did tweak the colors a bit to make each body part easier to tell apart for colorblind people and I hope I was successful in doing so. There is togglable text-to-speech just in case the X and Y values are too hard to read - I tried to make the color of the text easy to read against the background/Boxy Hop-Dog.

Made in Multimedia Fusion 2 with music made in Bosca Ceoil.

A cool 6 second .gif of the game is provided below

NOTE NOVEMBER 3RD 2021: I've added in a way to make the game mostly playable with just the mouse, as long as yours has a scroll wheel - you can use either the left or right mouse button to measure, clicking the middle button will bring up the entry screen and you can use the mouse wheel to scroll up or down to add/subtract values to the currently selected entry field. The latter method takes a little while longer than using the number keys but it's definitely doable.

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boxy.gif96.26 KB

SSStop Me

Game File: 

This is inspired by netgrind's SSSnake series (which was made into the compilation game Snakes on a Cartesian Plane). It was also primarily inspired by the "dreams" in Run, as well as DefeatMe.

Eat the yellow squares. Eating two yellow squares will create a new snake for you to control, turning the old snake into a looping obstacle.


Arrows - direct the snake. You can wrap around the screen.
Other keys - press when you die to restart.

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Unko's Adventure in Magical Land


Poop poop poop.

Made in Construct. :3 (No music, sorry!)

Edit: Decided to add silly music in the end. It makes me 10 minutes late, but that's ok 'cos I finished 10 minutes early (and messed around for 10 minutes in between XD )

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Pierrot le fou the game


Ferdinand Griffon (Jean-Paul Belmondo) is unhappily married and has been recently fired from his job at a TV broadcasting company. After attending a mindless party full of shallow discussions in Paris, he feels a need to escape and decides to run away with his baby-sitter, an ex-girlfriend, Marianne Renoir (Anna Karina), leaving his wife and children and bourgeois lifestyle. Following Marianne into her apartment and finding a corpse, Ferdinand soon discovers that Marianne is being chased by OAS gangsters, two of whom they barely escape. Pierrot (the unwelcome nickname Marianne gives to Ferdinand during their time together), and Marianne go on a traveling crime spree from Paris to the Mediterranean Sea in the dead man's car. They lead an unorthodox life, always on the run. Settling down in the French Riviera after having burnt the dead man's car (full of money) and sunk a second car into the Mediterranean Sea, their relationship becomes strained. Ferdinand ends up reading books, philosophizing and writing in his diary. Marianne becomes bored of the Robert Louis Stevenson-ness of their living situation and insists they return to town, where in a night-club they meet one of their pursuers. The gangsters waterboard Ferdinand and depart. In the confusion, Marianne and Ferdinand are separated, with Marianne traveling in search of Ferdinand and Ferdinand settling in Toulon. After their eventual reunion, Marianne uses Ferdinand to get a suitcase full of money before running away with her real boyfriend, to whom she had previously referred as her brother. Pierrot shoots Marianne and her boyfriend, and, in the climactic scene, paints his face blue and decides to blow himself up by tying sticks of red and yellow dynamite to his head. Regretting his decision at the last second, he tries to extinguish the fuse, but he is blinded by the dynamite and is blown up.


Thibault Solinhac
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markp0rter's picture

Sonic Boom

Game File: 

sonicboom by markp0rter for http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com

help save halloween and kill dracula in this action packed action pack featuring sonic the hedgehog. forget sonic 4 - play sonicboom!


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avery's picture


Game File: 

Well, this game took a sudden turn from what it was originally gonna be lol.

Not gonna say much about this game, play it and find out ye.

Oh, one last thing; wait around a bit on the white screens.

2018 Extra Notes: Ahhh, this classic. I have no idea what the voice I did in the title screen and game over screen is about but. Yeah. Otherwise this is a short and silly romp. Not the best thing I've ever made, but it's decent.

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GeorgeBall Episode 1: The AntiGeorge

Game File: 

You! You must press space to reflect ball at anti-George and move up and down sometimes!

Wishing you best of luck!

TACTICAL ELEMENT: pressing enter ends the game and saves your score. YOU (you!) must decide wherever you should FINISH THE GAME or PRESS BOLDLY ON AHEAD

(took me a little over 2 hours all up with no planning or collection beforehand from 1-3:20 with a quick break to put the washing in the dryer)

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thesycophant's picture


Game File: 

Seven stages of puzzle platforming purple-and-greenness.

Get to the exit!

Jump on green blocks (X key) and press up and down to grow and shrink the blocks.

Don't crush yourself, get lazered, or fall into the spikes!

John D. Moore
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Kate B's picture

Handle Me At My Worst



I wanted to create something resonant and emotional. So I did the exact opposite

"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" — Voltaire

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