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rhetoricstu's picture


Game File: 

vous etes en retarde

Made For: 
An event


Game File: 

A single button game where you try to create stacks of 3 of the same coloured balls.

Marco Jonkers
Made For: 
An event
illegalbloodmarket's picture

Event Help

So here's what I'm trying to do in my game:

I have one active object girl facing to the right. Every couple seconds, she flips around during its animation to face the left. The screen is filled with gems, treasures, etc and you gain money by clicking on them. I want to make it so when the girl is facing the left (in view of all of the treasures) clicking on a treasure results in losing all of your points and displays a text object saying you got caught. It's like a shoplifting mini-game. I already have it so click on objects gives you money and gaining enough money will give complete the level, but I can't figure out the 'getting caught' dynamic.

Any help?

gisbrecht's picture

biker is late to job

168 biker is late.png
Game File: 

bikerman is late for is job because he is fighting against the forces of evil

Made For: 
An event


Game File: 

you are the earth's last hope

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Twine macro: <<once>>

This little macro shows a span of text only the first time you encounter it - for all subsequent times you visit a passage containing it, it will be absent. This can be done with variables, but this form lets you use a single pair of macro tags. This can be good for, let's say, IF-style verbose opening descriptions of scenes or rooms.

Install my <<Replace>> Macro Set to use this macro.

You can use <<becomes>> or <<gains>> to specify text that should appear only on the second visit, or the third, and so forth.

Usage examples:
* <<once>>I'm going now. Goodbye.<<endonce>>
* <<once>>You arrive at the bathhouse.<<becomes>>You return to the bathhouse a second time.<<endonce>>
* <<once>>You arrive at the garage.<<becomes>>Back at the garage.<<becomes>>Third visit to the garage.<<endonce>>

* If many <<once>> macros containing exactly identical text are used in different passages, seeing one of them will hide the others.

Version history

  1. 16-6-13 - Updated regarding Combined Replace Macro Set.
  2. 12-5-13 - Initial.

Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.

Some Bee Ess

Game File: 

Dreams. . .

Made For: 
LFF's picture


I enjoy making games, except for that I never have the motivation to make ones that aren't joke games. Probably doesn't help that I don't know any programs other that Scratch, KnP and Ren'py, either.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Acupuncture fangame

Game File: 

Minimalist Masocore in MSpaint. Hitboxes are a bit off.

Made For: 
An event
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