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Ghost Town


Made while waiting for a bus.

Event Created For: 
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An event
FirecatFG's picture

The Curse Of The Magic Boots


A game kind of made specially for let-off-studios. Can you get rid of the curse of the boots?

Made For: 
An event

VVVVVV: Moonfall

Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

Alright, so I've decided to just post this as-is. The deadline's been stressing me out a little and I've kinda been losing steam on this anyway, so I threw together everything I had and hopefully this is a decent showing. Development of this started on the 21st, the day I learned about this jam.
Also, I haven't tested the Linux or Mac versions, but I'm sure they're fine. Anyway, to the point.

First off, this was made in Pico-8. If you've never heard of it, it's a "fantasy console", kind of like an emulator for a console that never existed. Specs wise I'd say it's somewhere between a Game Boy Color and an 80's home computer, with strict limits on cartridge space and LUA as its programming language.

This was originally going to be a lot more than this, actually, I'd go as far as to say it was overly ambitious. I love VVVVVV, it was the first indie game I ever played and I've beaten it several times. I really wanted to do it justice with a maybe fifteen minutes to half hour or so long tribute game with a story and everything. And I was on pace for doing that, but somewhere along the way it fell apart, and my subpar coding skills were probably part of that. That and how high I always aim in everything that I do. I tried my best to be reasonable too, deciding to totally leave out the tower early on because it'd be too much work, then eventually the story got cut, then another thing, then the next, and well here we are. And it doesn't help that a lot of the code I wrote was a mess.

This demo shows off Space Station 1, which while short, is mostly finished, complete with room titles referencing other things. Then you're dropped into the outskirts of the map to wander around and see a few more rooms showing off stuff I did such as several Pico-8 covers of songs from the original game, a few extra rooms, conveyor belts, flip lines, the other tilesets, and a Veni, Vidi, Vici knockoff I did early on for testing the spikes. The original plan was to have little mini representations like this of each level except the tower, but I just couldn't design levels as well with a due date floating over my head.

As for the title, it's from a dream I had a few months back, about a nonexistent sequel to VVVVVV called VVVVVV:Moonfall. The story would've tied into it, but I never got that far. I probably won't work more on this, but if I some day decide to come back to it and finish it up true to my vision, It'll be on the Lexaloffle BBS. My username there is Spaz48. I'll be posting this there as well, and if you go there you'll be able to dig through the code if you want.

Anyway, to wrap up this long ramble, Terry Cavanagh, if you read this, thank you. You've been an inspiration to me, and I hope you like my little somewhat failed attempt at a game. VVVVVV means quite a bit to me and I hope at least the thought and effort I put in serves as a good enough love letter to it.

Made For: 
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zum's picture

we be getting down with some delay

I haven't forgotten you, Glorious Trainwrecks! It's just hard to work on anything with this computer in such an unstable state (oh, and also completely reformatted.)

By way of apology, how about a little teaser of things to come?


(Man, poor Firefox just has no idea how quickly it should animate gifs, does it?)

nobodynat's picture



Simple bullet hell shooter
Made using GameMaker 8.1 lite
Done in under 2 hours

Nathanael Yau
Made For: 
An event
GoreCore's picture


I've spent nearly all day playing some trainwrecks. Some people are really high, high
So this is probably good time to announce my first train. If anybody cares. Nobody? Crap.
It will be two player, as I haven't seen any 2p game here. Many stupid attack moves and sounds. Street Fighter II parody. Kind of.
And now, let's have some Doom.



Windows version:

Welcome to the JIGGLY ZONE. Become JIGGLER and find the Medallions scattered Throughout the land. Experience a World of Treasures Like you have never Seen....

Joint work with Hubol. (twitter.com/hubol)

Download the Official Sound Track here: hubol.bandcamp.com/album/jiggly-zone-ost

Gallery/Babycastles Version: love-game.net/JIGGLYZONE_BABY.zip (last updated March 22, 2018, 5:53 PM EST)
This version contains some small changes to make things work more smoothly in a gallery-type setting.
If needed, additional changes can be made upon request (message @sylviefluff on Twitter or just post here).

  • The game defaults to fullscreen.
  • On the title screen, "New Game" is selected by default instead of "Load Game" (but players can continue where the previous person left off if they want!)
  • The options menu is opened by holding Ctrl+O for three seconds rather than just pressing O, so that players are less likely to find it and mess around with it.

sylvie & hubol
Made For: 
An event
Zecks's picture

Beautiful Experience III: Desert Experience

Game File: 

you know what they say,

when in doubt, sequel. unless it's the fifth mozart

for imaginary bonus points pretend that the sand formations make a 'path' you have to walk on

Made For: 
An event

House Hunter

Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

hunt houses

All-Star Leisure Suit Preacher
Made For: 
An event
snapman's picture

Statement of Purpose

While I realize this community is relatively new, it seems a pity that so few people participate in such an inviting opportunity to rapid prototype simple games and quickly receive feedback. Much of the humor of this site comes from the internet stigma of Klik & Play, which can both serve as a retro incentive for creators to return to using tools they had long since discarded (and discover new possibilities), and to deter potential creators with our self-deprecating ironic use of horrendous pre-amateur design. While we can appreciate the unique aesthetic of non-design, it should not be the isolated goal of Glorious Trainwrecks to reproduce the past without recognition of the present. There have been changes in the independent gaming scene. Just because we use a tool from 1994 doesn't mean we must use it as it was used in 1994.

A defense of Klik & Play:
On the surface, KnP may appear limited. And in many ways it is. Events will never be like lines of code, and "Active Object" is not the only class we need. But consider this: Many of the games gaining recognition in the independent gaming community today could have easily been produced in KnP, if not for a few surface details in graphics. KnP could be used to make interactive comedy like "I wanna be the Guy" or "Death Worm". It could be used to make surrealist experiences like "Psychosomnium", or introspective commentaries like "Passage". It could even present political commentary like "Harpooned". KnP may lend itself more easily to comedy, but it gives your average Joe a chance to try to say something with a game.

My goals here on this site are twofold. First, I will use my participation in the KOTMK to experiment with pure game design. I wish to see what new goals I can set for a player, and what new ways I can have the player interact with a system. Secondly, I will begin a Hosted Trainwreck, the purpose of which will be to push the boundaries of advanced KnP event writing. KnP is capable of far more complex things than we think. The Moteur engine proved this. KnP Tetris proved this. Time and time again, people have done unexpected things with a limited palette.

And who knows? Maybe my impression that KnP still holds potential is perfectly in line with the overambitious naive klikkers of yesteryear. If my lofty ideals are doomed to irony, there is no better place for me to fail than here.

Shovel some more coal on the furnace, and sound the steam whistle. This train is on its way.

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