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Klik 'n' Play

Due to technical reasons, the title of this article differs from the proper title. The title of this article should be: Klik & Play

Klik & Play was the first in the line of 'Klik' products produced by Clickteam. Released in 1994, Klik & Play was a revolutionary way for users to make games quickly and easily. Users could define any number of 'frames', or levels, within which the games took place, then drop in premade or custom graphics, and assign behaviors to them with an Excel-style coding interface. Unlike some game creation programs which only allowed a very limited amount of creativity, and were usually restricted to a single genre, Klik & Play provided an open canvas upon which users could create a wide variety of games within the comfort of Windows, and then distribute their games as standalones, so even users without Klik & Play could enjoy them.

Klik & Play has not aged well. However, it is quite popular among trainwreckers for this very reason. It is incredibly buggy (in a "so-bad-it's-good" way), outdated, and also imposes a number of challenging restrictions on users. These novelties alone make Klik & Play attractive to many, although repulsive to others. There is also a bundled library of premade, low-quality graphics and sounds, many of which have become injokes among trainwreckers.


  • Games are divided into 'frames': add any number of different levels and screens into your games.
  • An assortment of (hilariously bad) premade graphics, with the ability to import graphics (somewhat buggy)
  • A number of pre-built movement systems that can be assigned to objects (most being quite buggy): Mouse, Eight Directions, Race Car, Platform, Bouncing Ball, Path, Static (no movement, usually for users to create their own movement systems)
  • Automatic animation system changes animation sequences in response to the pre-built movements
  • A Step-Thru Editor for absolute beginners, which runs the game, pausing it when certain events occur in the game and asking the user what actions to take
  • An Excel-like Event Editor for more experienced users, providing the full set of events and actions for scripting more complex behaviors in games
  • Built-in lives and score displays with customizable graphics, plus number counters which may be hidden, or displayed as a number or bar
  • 256-color graphics (16-million colors on old machines supporting the special graphics driver)
  • Playback of WAV and MID audio


  • Klik & Play is old, and for that reason supports few file formats. Digital music must be uncompressed into WAV files, and the Picture Editor is picky about importing.
  • There is a limit of approximately 250 Active Objects being present at any point while the game is running. When this limit is reached, no new objects can be created, and collisions will stop working.
  • There is no native support for scrolling. It is possible to give your frames a different size than the game window: a frame smaller than the window will be centered with borders surrounding it, and a frame larger than the window will show only the top-left-most portion. Klik & Play does not provide any facilities for changing which portion of the frame is displayed inside the game window. It is possible that the developers may have intended to add this feature at some point, but dropped it, either due to time constraints or poor performance on the target machines. Later entries in the 'Klik' series allowed this kind of scrolling. As a workaround, you can 'fake' scrolling in Klik & Play by using Active Objects in place of Backdrops.
  • Every instance of an Active Object has 'Alterable Variables', which are numeric values that can be used to store information in individual objects. However, Klik & Play only provides three such Alterable Values per each instance, labeled Alterable Values A, B, and C. If you need more values, you will need to use Counter objects or extra Active Objects.
  • There is a limit on how many events you can include within a frame. As a rule of thumb, you shouldn't go over 450 events, or risk corrupting your game (reference).

Let's Explore Ghostie's Cave Together


Multi player game: First to collect 5 cherries wins!

Controls: Arrow Key, WASD

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Kate B's picture

Crawl Into A Hole!



- 11 holes to crawl into!
- Each hole has been pre-filled with some objects, find the hole you like best

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Ur Mom's Cheerios AKA Superugh

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This one's a trip down memory lane, and a little bit of a refurb from the older upload/zip. I think I took out some curses last year back in the day though there might still be some in the commentary track as this production inspired Feature Thinkers, the first extras production company that would think of things you could put in your game, like dvdrom features and the like. It even had a pirate kid as a logo and was the first known use of piratekid other than the classy wanted posters from 2001, so essentially an UG production from premordial times. This is sort of a landmark from that time and while potentially time may make it unkind, it is one of the first unofficial ug documents that predates the official ZZT ug even, which is #piratekid on irc.oftc.net . It may not be the most welcoming place and can't be held liable for people losing their sanity for joining, myself included, but it's the place to be if zzt is your thing. That is all, enjoy the title screen if nothing else.

-- Plenty of Interactive / Gameplay Boards
-- Feature thinker Extras, like for a dvd or something
-- Piratekid
-- Smiley Faces that always look up
-- Unnecessary violence towards animals
-- But Clean for the kids (I think?)

TAKE A PONCHO It's raining ug out there.

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PenguinSeph's picture

New version of Grand Theft Shmup! v0.02a!

New version of Grand Theft Shmup! YAY! As this is a rapid prototype, new versions should be veru rapidly released.

Changes to v0.01a are:
Shump misspelling changed to Shmup. Thanks UncleSporky at www.platformers.net!
Score now resets to 0 after player is killed.
"Spider" enemy ship (The one that fires a bouncing shot and looks like an upside down "U") is now easier.
Touching an enemy while dashing kills it.
Pressing Control while in a ship no longer causes an overload attack, but instead just destroys the ship.

PenguinSeph - Game Design, Programming (I used MMF1, but it's still kinda programming), "Art"
The maker of sfxr (I will find out who it is for the next version. I promise)

Link is here!


putting the day games on hold while i try to do something for http://saltworld.net/forums/topic/14123-sw-jam-2013-welcome-page/ : nine days.

hope to be back soon :o)

- stephen

mzo's picture

Don't let babies make more babies!

Game File: 

An epic trojan war to stop the mating of babies!

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Pirate Kart 2
fizzhog's picture

Dream Criminal

Game File: 

Another little thing for Grid Grind. This one is more a walking sim than anything else. It's quite short. Wander around and find notes that tell you what to do. From the grid I started with garden, fantasy creatures and medicine; it sort of developed from there in unexpected ways. And I couldn't resist putting Mabel in again. Really it was mostly a learning exercise - I wanted to figure out how to do certain things in Unity and in that respect it was a success; as a game I'm not so sure. But I upload it here for your gaming pleasure(?) The walking sim aspect was influenced by having played pink_of_cat's experiments in the genre.

The trashy image uploaded here is a deliberate misrepresentation for no especially good reason; I was thinking of how in the past box art was often so misleading and I just found it funny. Also I didn't want to post an in game screenshot as I felt that would spoil the experience.

I'd be intrigued to hear any interpretations.

Controls: WASD and mouse. Escape to quit.

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