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Sun, 5 February 2012
(diff) (hist)08:42gamenew Jungle Maxthecatamites
(comment)07:33gameThe Highly Dangerous Adventures of Nitroglycerin Maneruiz00Amazing...
(comment)00:31gameThe Highly Dangerous Adventures of Nitroglycerin ManEffBeeThis reminds me of when I
(diff) (hist)00:03gameThe Highly Dangerous Adventures of Nitroglycerin ManShadsyAnother typo ARGH
Sat, 4 February 2012
(diff) (hist)23:50gameThe Highly Dangerous Adventures of Nitroglycerin ManShadsy
(diff) (hist)23:48gameThe Highly Dangerous Adventures of Nitroglycerin ManShadsyTypo.
(diff) (hist)23:44gamenew The Highly Dangerous Adventures of Nitroglycerin ManShadsy
(comment)15:56eventPirate Kart V: The 2012-in-one Glorious Developers Konference Kollection!!!Zecksdunno just one that doesn't
(diff) (hist)15:36gamenew A Half Decent Shooter? *GASP!*Smedis2
(comment)15:31eventPirate Kart V: The 2012-in-one Glorious Developers Konference Kollection!!!EffBeeWhich old plan? I count,
(comment)15:12eventPirate Kart V: The 2012-in-one Glorious Developers Konference Kollection!!!Zecksfinal decision
(diff) (hist)10:16bioShadsyShadsy
(diff) (hist)05:14gamenew RGBALLeruiz00
(comment)04:18gameSecond Person ShooterThe Blueberry HillI also.
(comment)02:14gameMega MazesergiocornagaAgh, this most awful maze
Fri, 3 February 2012
(comment)21:48gameMega MazeEffBeeI could not play this for
(diff) (hist)21:24gameMega MazeShadsyRemoved breadcrumbs.
(diff) (hist)21:16gamenew Mega MazeShadsy
(comment)00:01gameWreck Christmas: A Knytt StoryHealyYeah, thanks Noyb!
Thu, 2 February 2012
(diff) (hist)22:54gamewarning old manShadsyOne more update to a visual thing.
(diff) (hist)22:48gamewarning old manShadsyUpdated the static effect to work better on higher resolutions
(comment)18:47gameA Jetpack in a DesertsergiocornagaI must now attempt to steal
(comment)15:32gameDonkey Kong 64 000ShadsyOkay just kidding THIS has
(comment)15:28gameA Jetpack in a DesertShadsyBest theme song of the kart
(diff) (hist)15:19gameFind the cheeseShadsy
(diff) (hist)15:15gamenew warning old manShadsyWHAT HAVE I DONE
(diff) (hist)13:32gameHop-on HatShadsyFixed a big crash bug. I want this to be bad, not unplayable.
(comment)08:31gameSpace SurfersleileiThis is an interesting
Wed, 1 February 2012
(diff) (hist)21:00gameFind the cheeseShadsyFixed a GLITCH if you can believe it.
(diff) (hist)20:01gamefafafafafa Math ChallengeShadsyVisual thing wasn't showing up.
(comment)19:45eventPirate Kart V: The 2012-in-one Glorious Developers Konference Kollection!!!ShadsyOkay I've done 3 with 3
(diff) (hist)19:43gameFind the cheeseShadsy
(diff) (hist)19:42gamenew Find the cheeseShadsy
(diff) (hist)18:57gameHop-on HatShadsy
(diff) (hist)17:47gamefafafafafa Math ChallengeShadsy
(diff) (hist)17:42gameHop-on HatShadsy
(diff) (hist)17:41gamenew Hop-on HatShadsy
(diff) (hist)16:31gamefafafafafa Math ChallengeShadsy
(diff) (hist)16:29gamenew fafafafafa Math ChallengeShadsy
(comment)14:56forumMike wants help with Pirate Kart stuff!EffBeeKlik & Play is not
(comment)11:37forumMike wants help with Pirate Kart stuff!leileiHow does a minimal
(comment)09:03gameWreck Christmas: A Knytt StoryExciteMikeYeah! Sorry, I was thinking
(comment)08:44gameWreck Christmas: A Knytt StoryNoybMy first attempt at a Knytt
(comment)05:26gameAnd Then, The Ghost Saw Hands: A Game I've Never PlayedsergiocornagaStill haven't beaten this,
(comment)05:02gameWreck Christmas: A Knytt StorysergiocornagaHasn't Noyb already done it?
(comment)03:58gameWreck Christmas: A Knytt StoryExciteMikeI'm doing it. Unless I fail
(comment)01:19gameWreck Christmas: A Knytt StoryLWe're definitely not going
Tue, 31 January 2012
(comment)14:45forumMike wants help with Pirate Kart stuff!ExciteMikeFor the GDC kiosk I'm gonna
(comment)13:34forumMike wants help with Pirate Kart stuff!kirkjerkSo, is there any clever
(comment)11:55eventPirate Kart V: The 2012-in-one Glorious Developers Konference Kollection!!!kirkjerkon recruiting
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