Kierkegaard's afraid of love

Game File: 

uh, I learnt klik n play as I made this

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event


Danni's picture

You need to include more

You need to include more than just the EXE file. Save as standalone to a new folder and then package all those files. You might also want to include KNPS.DLL and KNPG.DLL as those are required to get the game running for people who don't have KnP installed.


Thanks for the tip, first time at this. Should be good now I think. And by good I mean functional.

Danni's picture

Pretty good for a first

Pretty good for a first attempt. A couple notes:

- You probably didn't need an event for "Counter 1 <= seconds". Simply using "Always" (found under the "Special conditions icon) would have worked fine.
- Klik & Play stops any sounds and music when switching between frames in your game. So that sound you play when the player collides with a heart won't be heard (actually, a very very small portion of the beginning of the audio will be heard just before it switches frames).
