Limbo of the Lost

SpindleyQ's picture

Holy shit.

What impresses me is the sheer breadth of the thievery. They swiped graphics from Oblivion, they swiped graphics from Diablo, they swiped fucking video footage from fucking Pirates of the Caribbean.

The whole thing makes me want to make a Myst clone made entirely with screenshots of other videogames.

Pizza Time's picture

Spindley, please make a

Spindley, please make a limbo dancing game for the next KotM which involves characters from Lost.

SpindleyQ's picture

That does not have very much

That does not have very much to do with the already-announced title of Bejowled.

zum's picture

Important Limbo of the Lost Update: Holy Fucking Shit

watch. now.

it was an interesting curio before, but now i pretty much have to play this.

(via RPS)

snapman's picture

Saw that last night, and,

Saw that last night, and, really, wow.

It slowly starts to make sense.

PenguinSeph's picture

I least you aren't this guy

Someone here is playing through the whole game. Poor guy. I hear he's never been the same again.

I just love this whole story.