The Quest For The Wonton Soup (Klik & Play, Circa 94')

For a 12 year old in 94' with no programming experience, Klik & Play blew my mind. As you all probably know, it was a game creation tool that made it extremely easy to create simple games without writing a single line of code. There was a huge community on America Online, Keyword:MAXIS?, where people could upload and share their games. My friend and I made a game called "The Quest For The Wonton Soup" which uh.. featured an asian man collecting coins to buy.. wonton soup. Yeah. At the time (remember, we were 12) we thought it was funny but clearly it was a prettty (edit: extremely) stereotypical take on an asian man. Whoops. This game existed on the Maxis forum on AOL for download and a number of probably illegal compilation cds filled with peoples klik & play games that some random companies sold. Anyway, neither of us have a copy of the game as it was probably thrown out with our 386's 15 years ago. Does anyone, for some absurd reason, have a copy of the game? As dumb and offensive as it was, i'd still love to see it again.

We made a demo for a sequel a year later using The Games Factory. Someone actually made a 'Let's Play' video of it :


SpindleyQ's picture

Looks like the TGF sequel is

Looks like the TGF sequel is preserved, but that neither that source nor the newly-created has the original.

Ah well.. thanks for

Ah well.. thanks for looking. I can't imagine too many sites holding on to it as it used pretty much 95% klik & play artwork, but it was definitely entertaining at the very least.

RehaSoft's picture

My gawd

LOL, Your Games Factory version made it on to my "1000 best windows games" bootleg CD i got from a pc mag! lol love the game, I beat it like 10 times

snapman's picture

archive link

Is... is that last link right?



SpindleyQ's picture

Haha, wow. Klikarchive sure

Haha, wow. Klikarchive sure didn't last long. Kinda wish I'd mirrored it, now.

vampirkat's picture

internet archive yo

internet archive yo