klik of the month games at eurogamer expo

dessgeega's picture

at the end of august, the organizer of the indie games arcade at the eurogamer expo contacted me about featuring something at the expo. in september i moved across country, though, so i didn't have to make something new. instead i assembled a collection of all my game maker klik of the month games (plus dodgeball, which i remade in game maker). klik of the month games were played by INDUSTRY BIGWIGS at a SERIOUS GAMEBUSINESS EXPO.

in the future i'd like to exhibit trainwrecks from the entire community at an industry event. a collection like the pirate kart, but not the pirate kart itself, because so many people have hopped on board since then. maybe the oft-rumored pirate kart 2? is this a good incentive for us to finally make one??

glorious trainwrecks, i will get back to you a week before deadline.
