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Coller 1: Hunt For The Soviet Flag

Game File: 

President Ford's given you a top secret mission: get the Red Flag off the Red Planet! But those crafty cosmonauts have put it in a hard-to-reach spot...

This is a demo of a block-switching mechanic I thought up a short while ago. Learn to control the four collers of the rainbow to win!

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An event
wibi's picture

6x7 Planet

Game File: 

Viridian and the gang (part of the gang) got stuck in some other dimension-type thing again! With spikes and whatnot. Ha ha ha how does this keep happening?

6x7 semi-open ended level somewhat influenced by Souleye's carefree style of levelmaking (though this uses direct mode). Difficulty curve is jank at the beginning since it's imported from an unfinished level I made like two years ago. Overall it's likely too difficult for beginners, though it's probably - probably - nothing Golden Spiral-level.

This is actually the first VVVVVV level I've made public, aside from a three-screen joke level a looooooong time ago that parodied how edgy and juvenile most VVVVVV joke levels are.

Please point out any bugs or awkward points in the level because there are probably like five that I missed, thanks!

diane & titku of wibi
Made For: 
An event


Game File: 

A simple game about watering plants. Click on the pot on the title screen to go to its level, and click anywhere to water.

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An event
snapman's picture

Action Point 2012: Abort Retry Fail

Sat, Aug 11 2012 04:00 PM
08/11/2012 - 16:00
08/11/2012 - 18:00


Almost nobody got anything done in time for this event, so I've moved the deadline up another two weeks. August 11th is the new deadline. Come on, I know you can do it! We are also looking to gauge interest in a "Warioware DIY" category.

Welcome to Action Point 2012! Action Point is the world's leading Klik & Play Online Demoscene Party.

[ Download the Invitation Demo! ]

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, Action Point is a (semi-)yearly online demoparty in which we make Demos and Intros and Cracktros and anything else that involves pretty effects and ridiculous non-interactive visual absurdity in the medium of Klik & Play.

While the Demoscene's primary interest is technical ability with a high-gloss sheen of visual design and musical talent, take note that this is still Glorious Trainwrecks. Action Point is more than simply a celebration of elaborate event writing. It is also about creating unusual and unique visual/auditory art as well. What I'm trying to say is that while simulated 3D lighting effects in KnP are expected, waves of wiggling wizard clipart is also a desirable outcome.

This is an APPROXIMATELY-TWO-WEEK EVENT. That means you should start making a demo TODAY, and be here on SATURDAY JULY 28th, exactly one week to-the-second after this month's KOTM. Submit your demo(s) to this page at that time (or earlier if you can't make it). Also let's meet up on IRC and the MUMBLE SERVER because this is the release party. (Does anybody want to livestream the demos as they are posted? That would be pretty cool.)

One week later, at the same time of day, will be the AWARDS CEREMONY. Awards in a .gif format will (probably) be given to winners in a variety of mostly made-up categories. It's a silly tradition!

If you're looking for inspiration, take a look on Youtube for Atari ST, MSX, Amiga, and C64 demos, or check out the demos from previous years. And here's a demo made in PowerPoint! Yes, it was actually released at BreakPoint 2010. For real. And the prevalence of 64-bit Windows has officially made running Klik & Play demos just as difficult as running C64 demos. Yeah, just think about that for a while...

Good luck and make something crazy!

ActionPoint2012Intro.zip669.43 KB

Games made for Action Point 2012: Abort Retry Fail

NameCreatedBysort iconScreenshotComments
Fred the killer unicorn08/15/2012 - 20:49laffertyrBoss3.jpg3
Fred the killer unicorn08/15/2012 - 20:50laffertyr0
KaoS08/06/2012 - 18:16SpindleyQkaos-partial.png10
Commodore 64 Christmas Demo ZZT08/04/2012 - 03:02xc64ss.gif3
Pile HeaD Dem0 Xtreem08/28/2012 - 00:19xpilehead.png1
thesycophant's picture

Frank Sinatra in "River, Stay Away From My Door"


Why won't the river stay away from Frank Sinatra's door? Help Frank guide his beloved door to safety away from the river, up above, where the river can't rise any higher (he's so all alone!).

Press 'X' to jump and press 'Z' while standing next to the door to pick it up.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Cake out

Game File: 

KotM is on my birthday! How cool is that! Because I am not self-centered, I made my birthday-related game ahead of time and will use the given two hours to make a more general-purpose game

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
hubol's picture



Mr. Spleen returns!

This time you work in Mr. Television's animal-scorching factory!

Name the animals before they die!

This was made in approximately three hours due to some distractions. I apologize.

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An event

The Slime

Game File: 

Dodge the big monsters and eat the small monsters for MAXIMUM SLIMAGE.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
anne laplantine's picture

breakoutinthe dark

Game File: 

i never find conditions

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Pizza Time's picture

Super Olympic Football

Game File: 

Kick the ball. Pass to your team. Line up the shot, GOAL!! The exciting world of Brazillian football is open to you, the player.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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