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Redbone's picture

Tower Surf

Game File: 

Defend your tower from the incoming birds! Or get defeated by them.

Made For: 
An event
Argylelabcoat's picture


Screen Shot 2012-09-08 at 8.26.26 PM.png
Game File: 

Silly space game, not polished at all. Keep your 4 cans from the space bandits!

Arrow Keys: Rotate/Move ship
Space Bar: Fire (1 per 0.25s)

Note: Took 3.25 hours for the first upload... I updated since to fix a game-over related bug

Made For: 
An event
Crash's picture

CANYON.MID Tribute Concert

Game File: 

Save the concert!!!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
DeceasedCrab's picture

Ys Pronouncer

Game File: 

Can you pronounce the name of the game series "Ys" correctly? Can anyone? What perils await you if you mispronounce it?

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Twine: "link-and-set" syntax possibilities

One thing I've been thinking about is the addition of links that, when clicked, set or alter variables while simultaneously going to passages. Many would agree that this could potentially simplify a number of Twine coding cases.
A proprietary "Twine clone" program called AXMA has this functionality in the form of this extension to the link syntax:

[[Kiss her once|Flower Patch{$kisses = 1}]]
[[Kiss her twice|Flower Patch{$kisses = 2}]]
[[Kiss her four times|Flower Patch{$kisses = 4}]]

As in, an additional parameter after the passage name, enclosed in curly braces, that contains a <<set>>-style declaration. I feel ambiguous about this syntax - it seems like it doesn't mesh with the rest of Twine's syntax, using curly braces just for this one occurrence.

In my mind, I've been turning over a possible alternative, one which continues the use of the pipe character as a separator between parameters of the link syntax:

[[Kiss her once|Flower Patch|$kisses = 1]]
[[Kiss her twice|Flower Patch|$kisses = 2]]
[[Kiss her four times|Flower Patch|$kisses = 4]]

I was thinking of writing a script to add this, but then I noticed that this can be replicated in Twine already, simply by combining my <<insert>> and <<goto>> macros:
<<insert "rush off">><<set $stealth = 0>><<goto "Glasshouse">><<endinsert>>
<<insert "sneak off">><<set $stealth = 1>><<goto "Glasshouse">><<endinsert>>

What I like about this is that it's extensible - any quantity of macros can be placed inside the <<insert>> as long as it finishes with <<goto>>. It also makes use of already extant macros in a clever way.
Of course, its main flaw is that it's altogether a bit too verbose to be used all that often. So, I'm still considering whether to create that link syntax extension, and what form it might take.

P.S: This example, I think, reveals an under-appreciated genericity in <<insert>>/<<replace>> that I didn't notice before. I'm considering making a short alias to <<insert>>, called <<link>>. While its functionality would of course be identical to <<insert>>, it would be meant for use by the author in making a "custom link" - a link that executes a set of enclosed macros when clicked. I like this notion of encouraging authors to combine these macros to create higher-level link functionality.

(Of course, this requires the use of "immediate macros" - macros that run immediately instead of creating a passage structure. These include <<set>>,<<remember>>, <<display>> (when made to display other immediate macros), <<refresh>> (in Sugarcane only), my <<timed...>> macros (including <<goto>>), <<toggletag>> etc. and <<playsound>> etc.)

2sman's picture

#Mr. Lee's Wrong Market Plus#

Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 1.06.26 AM.png

Latest (greatest?) hypertext "game" about selecting strange hypnagogic software in a store.

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An event

The Magical Maze -You can not escape, but you might as well try- (Hedge Ver.)

Game File: 

Randomly generated maze, different every time! Can you escape or will you be trapped forever...?

Dungeon Ver.

Made For: 
An event

press up

Game File: 

100% assembler, using some base code + a font, made in 22 minutes. Exciting multiplayer action! Invite your friends over!

Made For: 
An event
anne laplantine's picture

Do you want a banana

Game File: 

Made For: 
An event
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