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Bennett should not be making games to go on Pirate Kart II. Bennett should be doing his day job, which has a lot of deadlines coming up. Bennett should know better by now, but it seems as though he will never learn.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Truck Nuts

Game File: 

i usually make the game before the song. this time i made the song before the game and i am pleased with the result (of the song). it's difficult to hear beneath the sound effects, though.

Made For: 

Ur Mom's Cheerios AKA Superugh

Game File: 

This one's a trip down memory lane, and a little bit of a refurb from the older upload/zip. I think I took out some curses last year back in the day though there might still be some in the commentary track as this production inspired Feature Thinkers, the first extras production company that would think of things you could put in your game, like dvdrom features and the like. It even had a pirate kid as a logo and was the first known use of piratekid other than the classy wanted posters from 2001, so essentially an UG production from premordial times. This is sort of a landmark from that time and while potentially time may make it unkind, it is one of the first unofficial ug documents that predates the official ZZT ug even, which is #piratekid on irc.oftc.net . It may not be the most welcoming place and can't be held liable for people losing their sanity for joining, myself included, but it's the place to be if zzt is your thing. That is all, enjoy the title screen if nothing else.

-- Plenty of Interactive / Gameplay Boards
-- Feature thinker Extras, like for a dvd or something
-- Piratekid
-- Smiley Faces that always look up
-- Unnecessary violence towards animals
-- But Clean for the kids (I think?)

TAKE A PONCHO It's raining ug out there.

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Made For: 
An event

Cake out

Game File: 

KotM is on my birthday! How cool is that! Because I am not self-centered, I made my birthday-related game ahead of time and will use the given two hours to make a more general-purpose game

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
ExciteMike's picture

Jet Joust Interrupted Mostly Playable Version


Airplanes! Giant Lances! Air Jousting!

Pretty bugly. As in scoring is completely bonkers.

gameplay is there though, just untweaked.

needs a "so-and-so wins" screen too. right now it just restarts.

Made For: 
An event

No More Lasers

Game File: 

Basic arcade scoring type thing. Shoot at the enemies and try not to die.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2

Giraffe Avenger

Game File: 

Giraffe Avenger invades the trees' pirate ship to bring some justice to them. Stomp on the human henchmen that stand on your way.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Noyb's picture

Ce n'est pas un jeu vidéo.

Game File: 

This looks like a simple game of Space Invaders, but is it really? What is a game? Can we learn anything by challenging this definition? What does it mean to win or lose with this new paradigm? This application raises these questions, but it is up to each of us to find the answers within.

Controls: ???

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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