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And Then, The Ghost Saw Hands: A Game I've Never Played

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And Then, The Ghost Saw Hands: A Game I've Never Played is quite literally, a game ive never played. Basically, right now I'm up in the mountains with some friends nowhere near my computer. I thoight id miss out on kotm 50 but thanks to the marvels of modern technology and an app called LogMeIn, I can use my compiter remotely thru my phone! however, this is not an ideal solution. Everything is slow and painful and even typing is practically impossible. I put together this entire game thru my iphone and have not played it. Im banking on everything working properly, sorry if it doesnt work at all. I cant even hear sounds so i just plucked stuff put of the windows media folder, hope you like system sounds. Looking foreard to tryin the game for myself tonoght when i get home, and playin your games too!!! (can barel fucking typr sorry for typos)

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juliette's picture

i'm cool

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this is a cool game for cool people

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scab simulator 19

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IN 2012?

A 2 hour goof-off by newobject.

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Coding with Sinny: The Making of the Maltyped Falcon: The Game


You are hard-boiled programmer Sinny. A broad walks into your office.
"Make a game, Sinny", she says, all leg and no morals.
"Damn, Jimmy, I dunno," Sinny says, "I thought the Invigilator job was gonna be my last."
"But Sinny," Jimmy says, carressing the door, "this'll be a film-noir typing tutor."
Damn, you think, fingers drumming on the laptop. Just one more job.
Just one more.
The game was on.

Made for the Sekrit Forum Game Jam; based on http://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/3131

Gap Gen
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snapman's picture

Get Ready!


Back when I played through Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit) on PS2, my friends and I often joked about the "GET READY!" prompt that appeared before action sequences. Together we imagined a game with dull activities like making breakfast or getting the newspaper overlayed with the "Simon Says" interface, followed by spectacular failure sequences (drowning in the milk, fatal papercut on the newspaper) and the melodramatic voice over saying "This is how my story ends. Officially it was a suicide..."

So of course my immediate reaction to the first demo footage of Heavy Rain was to whip up an overlay game in Flash. I guess the final game didn't really turn out all that different, except with a little more JASON!

Play with fingers on homerow, as if using 2-handed WASD.
That's ESDF for the left hand, and IJKL for the right.

(Finally posting this all these years later because SpindleyQ is making plans for a Youtube FMV Game program. Source code will be available shortly.)

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Pizza Time's picture


Game File: 

It's Pong, Jim, but not as we know it.

Without warning every couple of seconds you gain control of a random paddle. This makes scoring a challenge.

First to nine points wins but only I lose I can do much better than this like what the fuck man?

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agj's picture

Frogs Drink Faces

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A five-letter word, each of its letters a frog that you can activate with the corresponding key in your keyboard. Drink the enemy faces, spare the friendly ones. Don't forget the order of the frogs/letters when they lose their label and start switching around!

agj & friends
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Noyb's picture

Galcon - A Quest for the Perfect Triangle

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Johny L.'s picture

The 2009-2010 Shame Collection!

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This is my first game to contain games made with Game Maker.

Are you bored? Do you hate the present games (for joke)? Well, not late, there's a collection of badly made games in Game Maker: The 2009-2010 Shame Collection! This game contains over 20+ games with annoying levels, poor grammar, ridiculous story, misplaced music, etc. made around 2 years: the 2009 and the 2010, which doubles the fun! The more you play these, the more you will get ridiculous fun! Plus there's a bonus feature which will let you get excited: THE ENCLOSED BONUS PACK! But it is locked with a hidden password, find out more by reading the readme of the locked bonus pack.

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