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Community Chainwreck


This is my first attempt at a community project, so let me know which parts are good, which are bad, etc...

Presenting the first Community Chainwreck! A chainwreck is a game built by multiple members using the same template. Each level (or should I say "railway car") of the chainwreck is linked in a consistent way to the preceding and proceeding screen. The objective of the participant is to create a fun and challenging obstacle to the player's progress from the current screen to the other screens.

For this specific chainwreck, participants need to position two objects in their level: The goal and the exit. Everything is set up so that the goals will show up in 5 randomly chosen levels. Once the 5 goals are collected, the exit will appear in one of the levels. To make your level difficult, obstruct the player's path, or reset the level (death). The template consists of the existing counters and objects, and the first 10 events. These shouldn't be deleted. Don't use player values (score and lives) as these values are used extensively by the template.

The file has two copies of the template, so you can see how the game transitions between levels. One template is using a platform movement for the player avatar, while the other is using the 8-directional movement. You are not limited to these two movements! BE CREATIVE! PM your completed levels to me, and I'll assemble them all together in a chaotic manner. The current deadline for submissions is the day before the next KOTM. Feel free to submit more than one level, but remember you're not limited to 2 hours or anything.

"Eddie the Engineer's traingame is off the tracks! Track down the 5 missing gears, before Eddie loses his mind completely!"

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