
Pizza Time's picture

Hide and Go Seek


A game for two players where one player has to find the other and then vice-versa.

This game has Facebook integration in that you can play this game and then post about how cool it is on Facebook.

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sergiocornaga's picture



This game is controlled by moving the mouse and clicking the left mouse button.

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Fissure of Reality


Mac and Windows executables included!

This is a first-person dungeon game. Navigate the maze using the Up key to move forward, and the Left and Right keys to turn. Your compass needle points toward north. As you approach the location of the fissure, the needle will waver. The closer you get, the more the needle will swing. When you are on top of the fissure, the needle will behave strangely. Then, press Enter to open the fissure.

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Pizza Time's picture



Evil Maze is evil.

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An event

Noir Medusa


Shoot the Medusa without being seen.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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