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Fubaka's picture

Juni Gets a Food

Juni Gets a Food 1.png

This level was made as part of Knytt of the Month Club #9.

In this grand adventure, Juni must get a food from her fridge, but such a task may prove more difficult than she thinks!

Challenge/Scenic/Misc. Small. Normal difficulty.

UPDATE: New version released. Following changes:
*Fixed a pair of void screens, replacing them with... something else.
*Added some leaf effects in the Broken Bulwarks areas.
*Tweaked the last challenge to make it slightly less annoying.

Recommended to get the updated file if you have the old one.

UPDATE 2: New version released. Following changes:
*Fixed grass at beginning of bulwarks which was on layer 3. Now on layer 2.

Get update at your leisure.

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An event
thesycophant's picture


Game File: 

It is like a broken, inverse, really fast Pac-Man. Eat all the mice before the the mice eat all the cheese. WIN AND BLUE!

(I am kind of wishing that I had named this game THE MICE WILL EAT ALL THE CHEESE instead.)

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An event
hugs's picture

House and Garden


what a curious spot to build a house

update 2: should be extra fixed now? there are no longer any ks+ no-climbs, at least. also slight change to sea-stone pool.

Healy & hugs
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snapman's picture


Game File: 

"Satan! Oscillate my metallic sonatas!"


Please note that this game is a spoiler to a similarly named game.

Made For: 
Klik of the Month Klub #33 (Mar 2010)

Twine macro: << timedreplace >>, << timedinsert >>, << timedremove >>, << timedcontinue >>

Similar to my <<replace>> macro, this code causes the passage text in between the <<timedreplace>> and <<becomes>> tags to be replaced with what is between those and the <<endtimedreplace>> tag, after a certain amount of time has elapsed.

* <<timedinsert>> causes its text to be inserted into the page. It doesn't need a <<becomes>> tag to function.
* <<timedremove>> works in a matching fashion, removing its contained text after the time elapses.
* <<timedcontinue>> is similar to <<timedinsert>> but does not require a final <<endtimedcontinue>> - instead, it causes all subsequent text in the passage to appear.
You can also substitute the <<becomes>> tag with <<gains>> to cause the next run of text to appear at the end of the previous run, without replacing it.
If you put multiple <<becomes>> or <<gains>> tags in, the macro will make them appear as well after the same amount of time passes.

Install my <<Replace>> Macro Set to use these macros.

This takes CSS time values, which are decimal numbers ending in "s" (for seconds) or "ms" (for milliseconds).

Usage examples:
* <<timedreplace 2s >>You see nothing. <<becomes>>After 2 seconds, you still see nothing.<<endtimedreplace>>
* <<timedreplace 2s >>You see <<gains>>a dog, <<gains>>a walrus, <<gains>>and a civet.<<endtimedreplace>>
* You search. <<timedinsert 1s>>You find nothing.<<endtimedinsert>>.
* <<timedremove 2.5s >>Something is disappearing... <<endtimedremove>>
* Look <<timedcontinue 3s>>A bird just few by...

Example program.

Implementation details:

* If inserted text appears and descends below the bottom of the screen, the page should automatically scroll down to make it visible.
* Note: due to the way the browser and Twine interact, any changes made by code inside a <<timedreplace>> tag will be forgotten if you use the Back or Forward browser buttons, unless you use this script.

Version history:
* 16/06/2013 - Updated regarding Combined Replace Macro Set.
* 26/04/2013 - Added timedcontinue.
* 05/04/2013 - Added timedinsert and timedremove, as well as downward scrolling.
* 07/03/2013 - Made the transition CSS-based.
* 01/02/2013 - Initial.
Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.

TwineMacro-TimedReplaceTest.html37.82 KB
TwineMacros-TimedReplace-2.3.0.txt3.97 KB
gisbrecht's picture


Dangerous ape boy.jpg

PLAY WITH CAUTION: As I played the game, APE BOY OF DEATH VALLEY 1987, the Ape Boy has locked me in the bathroom and is making wretched ape noises. Please help me, fellow gamers.

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juliette's picture

Death Skulls


Move with the arrow keys
Touch the other skulls to talk to them.

Juliette Porée
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An event
markp0rter's picture

Where is the invisible Elephant?

where is the elephant.jpg

After the big success of Where is the Elephant? I give to you the long awaited sequel Where is the invisible Elephant?

Made For: 
An event

Five Card The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day

Game File: 

If Scott McCloud can do it, so can I.

Those who want to play this game in real life can print panels from here. Those who want to play Five Card Nancy in real life can find panels here and the equivalent of rare hologram cards here.

Made For: 
An event

Crépuscule Fatal 13


Ce soir le Dieu Soleil a soif de sang et les sacrifices violents ne pourront apaiser ses brûlants désirs. Ce soir le Dieu Soleil ne montrera pas de pitié... Ce soir pour les Dinosaures... C'est le CRÉPUSCULE FATAL !

Tonight the Sun God is blood thirsty and violent sacrifices won't bring an end to his burning desires. Tonight the Sun God won't show mercy. Tonight, for Dinosaurs, is the CRÉPUSCULE FATAL* !!!

*dusk of doom

Contrôles : clike on the dinosaures to make le sacrifice!

This is the kind of games written in French, where Dinosaurs don't want the night to come, so they make dinosaur sacrifices to the Sun God in the hope he will stay up the sky, but SPOILER they can't really escape the inevitable hahaha END OF SPOILER.

Today is a very special day and I hope it will bring big changes in my life, I was nevertheless bored so I decided to make a game about the end of an era (would also be the beginning of a new one even if the game is adressing more the Crépuscule Fatal than the Lendemain qui chante).
Making this game was immensely fun. Only in the end it got really frustrating with all the KNP buggy malédiction falling on my head... so many bugs. I think I'll go to TGF very soon if I can import all the clipart libs.

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Made For: 
An event
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