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Rynen10K's picture



based on a true story.


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spiders's picture

Space Funeral 3D

Game File: 

Space Funeral 3D, the genderbending life-action space-opera sequel to the 2010 hit classic. Space Funeral 3D takes place a million-billion years after Phillip's and Leg Horse's last outing and includes new characters and settings, state-of-the-art 3D technology, an officially compiled soundtrack and many strange secrets to be unraveled in the lands of Space Funeral.


I. Download KateLabs from https://thewaether.itch.io/katelabs and put the 'spacefuneral3d.kl' file into the KateLabs folder.

II. Start KateLabs and load the level. Make sure to DISABLE 'Edit Mode' in the menu!

III. Please start the following playlist and let it run in the background. It is the unofficial Space Funeral 3D soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnY8FDq93h0&list=PLWQGU3-meUFb1J9CMEunkDx1Ehk_4Ck8w

IV. Blood Blood Blood


Q: What is this fleshy prison that you've trapped me in?? How do I control this form?
A: Use WASD to move around and SPACE to jump. You can interact with things or talk to people with ENTER, watch for the prompt in the bottom corner! You might learn more advanced controls ingame...

Q: HELP! I fell off the FERRY! -or- HELP! I fell under the OCEAN floor?!!?!? AAAAAHHhh!!!
A: There will be an emergency TELEPORT back to the OCEAN near the start of the level. Just go up the escalator once you've respawned.

Q: Everything is LAGGY!
A: Remember to disable EDIT MODE before loading the level.

Q: Where is the MUSIC?
A: Please start this playlist once you've loaded the game:

Q: How do I get past the bouncer and enter BACKSTAGE?
A: Do you like DUMPSTERS??

Q: How did LEG HORSE become HAND HORSE?
A: Trademark dispute.

Q: How do I defeat the MISTRESS OF LOFT AND SPIRE in the SKULL SEWERS? I've used all my TESSERACTS but now the MISTRESS is continually egressing and I can only buff TRAP MAGIC???
A: ?????????????????????????


Space Funeral 3D was created by a dedicated team of unpaid volunteers over a timespan of about half a year (with most of that time taken up by the map file just lying around and accumulating dust). Someone accidentally dug up the project just in time for the deadline of Kate's Informal Katelabs Jam (https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/12033), so now you have to suffer through this mess. Play it or perish!

Thanks to Kate for creating such a fun game/tool! Thank you to the BBC Radiophonic Workshop for preemptively composing the soundtrack for Space Funeral 3D half a century ago. Thank you to thecatamites for inspiring the original character of Hand Horse™. Thank you to all Space Funeral fangame makers, especially all those that never published their work anywhere and just left their beautifully unfinished RPG Maker projects germinating in some subfolder. Also thank you to Nintendo for providing the Mario™ license to Camelot Software Planning - where would we be without them?

spiders & krisekrise
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sergiocornaga's picture

WarioWare D.I.Y: Go West


A WarioWare-style Twine-style recreation of Go West, with several passages removed out of necessity. Thanks for participating, Cycle!

There's also a Vine walkthrough in case you get stuck on one of the many tricky puzzles.

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the_muteKi's picture


Game File: 

Shoot the X and 2 Xs will take its place. Basically, exactly what it says on the tin.

Trying to add more commentary about the game here would just be freaking insulting.

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Terry's picture

GDC 2010: The Game

Game File: 

Here's the game I actually made at the get together on Saturday!

Play it online here:

Made For: 
Glorious GDC Gameboree 2010

Santa in Spring?!

Thu, Apr 16 2020 05:00 PM
04/17/2020 - 00:00
05/15/2020 - 12:00

Santa in Spring?!

It's time for another Sekret Santa gift exchange.... in Spring?!

Yes, the last Sekret Santa in December 2019 didn't seem to generate as much enthusiasm as previous ones (with only around 50% of participants actually finishing their gift), so we got together as a community on the Altgamez Discord (https://discord.gg/vfZHZ2n) to discuss possible future changes to the event. This Springtime Santa Shindig is meant to be a "trial run" for new ideas!

Click here to jump down to the important dates and deadlines.


Sekret Santa is an event where the Glorious Trainwrecks community gets together to make gifts for each other! The gifts are usually video games, but you can also make other types of game, or drawings, or music, or any other gift-like object you can imagine. Here's how it works:

  1. Participants sign up and post wishlists describing what they want from their gift.
  2. After the signup period ends, each participant is secretly and randomly assigned another person's wishlist! The gift-making begins...
  3. When the event is over, you get to find out who was assigned your list, and hopefully also get a gift from them!
Additionally, participants will be divided into two teams. Each team gets a private Discord channel where they can chat and share their progress. The wishlists are assigned so that each person gets a wishlist from someone on the other team, so nobody knows who got their wishlist. Participating in your team's Discord is completely optional, but it might be more fun than making your gift alone!

I'm not an active member of Glorious Trainwrecks - should I participate?

Yes! Plenty of people who are new to the site or who only post occasionally join these events, and you can too.

What's New?

If you've participated in previous Sekret Santa events, you're probably curious what's different about this one. Here's the rundown:

  • Some previous Sekret Santa events have only been about "games" - we’re explicitly encouraging other forms of gifts this time around.
  • Wishlists have a simpler and more restrictive format. This is to encourage keeping gifts small in scope, and keeping the wishlists manageable to work with.
  • The time to make your gift is now one month, but it's divided into a three week "Gift Making" period and a one week "Final Touches" period. The idea is that you should finish as much of your gift as you can in three weeks, and spend the last week just preparing whatever you have for release!
  • You can join as a "Backup Santa" if you aren't certain about participating, but might be willing to help fill a request if someone has to drop out.
  • You can join as one of "Santa's Faireys" if you don't want to participate, but want to be able to hang out in the secret team Discord channels and provide support.
  • After the wishlists and teams are assigned, people on the same team are allowed to trade wishlists if they mutually agree that they would prefer the other person's list. (This might have happened in past years but now it's an official rule!)

How To Sign Up

There are three roles you can sign up for: Springtime Santa, Backup Santa, and Santa's Fairey. To sign up, make a comment below with which role you want, and for the Springtime Santa role, include a wishlist (as described in the Wishlist section below).

Here's how each role works:

  • Springtime Santa: This role is for people who want to make a gift. You will be assigned another person's wishlist and you are making a commitment to make a gift for that person, barring extraordinary circumstances.
  • Backup Santa: This role is intended for people who are on the fence about participating. You will be allowed to view both team Discord channels. If a Springtime Santa is unable to finish their gift, you can step in and take over the wishlist. You aren't obligated to do this (for example, it’s fine if you end up being too busy) but choosing this role indicates that you are potentially willing and able to.
  • Santa's Fairey: This role is intended for people who do not want to participate, but want to support participants. You will be allowed to view both team Discord channels. You can take over abandoned wishlists just like a Backup Santa, but there is no expectation you do so.
No matter which role you choose, please don't leak information about who was assigned each wishlist! It is meant to be secret (sekret?)


We're trying out a limited wishlist format for this event. Each participant is limited to up to three phrases, each with up to five words. You can make multiple wishlists if you want to give your Santa more options, but the expectation is that your Santa will only choose one of the lists.

In your wishlists, avoid restrictions on format ("video game", "board game", "3D game", "music album"). Also, be careful about asking for specific game genres ("platformer", "first person shooter") or game mechanics closely tied to a genre ("double jump"). If your Santa doesn't know how to do a particular genre, or wants to make a non-game gift, they may just ignore that part of your request!

Here is an example of a wishlist:

  • Cute kittens
  • A big forest to explore
  • Inaccessible items
It's okay to steer your list towards things of a video-gamey nature, since likely most participants will be making a video game gift, but try to leave some room to interpret it in a different form of media. (I would love to hear a song about kittens trying to reach inaccessible items while exploring a big forest)

If you're assigned a wishlist you find too difficult, you are allowed to trade wishlists with someone else on your team! Ideally this should be done as soon as possible after wishlists are assigned, before people get too deep into their gifts.

If you are struggling with certain aspects of your wishlist, and you can't find anyone to trade with, it's okay to leave some parts of the wishlist out of your gift, but do your best to meet the request!

Making Your Gift

Once you're assigned a wishlist, you can start making your gift! You will have three weeks to do most of the making, and one extra week to wrap it up nicely. The three week period is called "Gift Making" and the one week period is called "Final Touches".

Ideally, by the end of the "Gift Making" period, your gift should be in a state where it would be ready to give to the recipient, if you had to. For example, if it's a game, it should be playable from start to finish, but maybe missing stuff like a title screen and ending. If it's a music album, maybe all the songs are recorded but you don't have album art.

The "Final Touches" period is where you prepare your gift for release. Take whatever you got done in the "Gift Making" period and wrap it up nicely - add that title screen, make that album art, whatever you need to do to be comfortable with giving it out.

A recommendation: just because you have 3+1 weeks doesn't mean you need to go all out and make a mega-gift. Small gifts will be appreciated too, and are more likely to be finished! Instead of planning to use the whole three weeks, try to find a shorter amount of time within the Gift Making period (say one week, or even a weekend) where you will make your gift.

Sharing Your Gift

After the Final Touches period is over, you should give your gift to its recipient! You can send them a private message on Glorious Trainwrecks, or ping them on the Altgamez Discord if they use it. You can also post it in this event if you want to make it public and let other people check it out!

If your gift ended up unfinished and you don't feel comfortable sharing it publicly, that's okay. Let your giftee know and send them whatever you can - unfinished work, development screenshots, future plans. They'll appreciate knowing!

Altgamez Discord

If you aren't already on the Altgamez Discord, come check it out!


Lots of people from the Glorious Trainwrecks community hang out there, and there's a #sekret-santa channel to talk about the more public aspects of the event (anything about specific wishlists or gifts should go in the private team Discords until Gift Sharing Day has come).

Dates and Deadlines

Signup: Now until Thursday, April 16
Gift Making: Thursday, April 16 until Thursday, May 7 (Three weeks)
Final Touches: Thursday, May 7 until Thursday, May 14 (One week)
Gift Sharing Day: Friday, May 15
(Don't pay attention to the specific hours I set for the event, I'm not sure exactly what hour of the day Signup will end or Gift Sharing Day will start or whatever, but I'll try to be lenient about it!)

GIF from presentermedia.com

That's all I have.... go forth and Sant!

Games made for Santa in Spring?!

Space Mouse

Game File: 

Space mouse simulator. Made in <24 hours. Music by Nerdo.

Made For: 

Two Hours in Two Hours


Type "Two Hours" as many times as possible in two hours. Not fun. Flashing colors warning. PC/Mac/Linux.

Total Bummer!
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An event
danyburton's picture

The Game to End All Games

Hello my friends. I have not posted on here in 3 years or so because I have been in a game development wormhole for 3 years working on league of piss 2. They have not been hugely productive or satisfying years. The reason for this is that league of piss 2 require a fully custom engine plus I had a few weird mental breaks where I started developing it as an isometric block game etc etc. Originally piss 2 did not have a custom engine but I had ideas that were too cool for godot and they needed to be brought to life.
Anyway, the point is that game development can be a very slow and demanding process and it can even get in the way of other parts of your life that ARE more important, and so I have conceived the idea of a game that never ends. You may remember that when minecraft came out it was in alpha status and people played the game for years alongside it's development, enjoying new features as they came out. I would like to do the same thing but with a story driven game, simply release new stories again and again, basically treating the game less like one game, and more like a program and a vehicle for the delivery of whatever stories I like. This game is not going to be in alpha status like minecraft thoiugh because that implies progress towards an end. This game will just cease development when / if I am sick of it.
I am very excited about this idea because I think that it has a lot of benefits both for me, and for the final product. I very much like small details and funny secret characters and things in games, but when you are busy and stressed this is difficult, but when you are simply creating content and the overheads of creating the game and world are already behind you, there is no reason not to add as much detail as you desire.
I also think that having all of these stories and characters within one game and one world benefits each thing, but it allows interrelation and connection between them, and a sense of exploration.
Since all this content comes out in phases, to help people keep track I think I will have a system similar to super mario 64 where you could see your progress in completing areas, as this way when areas of the game become bigger you will know to go back there. I dunno I will try that anyway.
Anyway you get the idea but that is the plan. Once I finish this engine I am never going to make another one (maybe I will make a little roguelike or some nerd shit like that but nothing worth posting here). Hopefully I will be able to post the initial playable game on here later this year.

P.S. The engine is open source so if you hypothetically wanted to make your own myst 3 + touhou clone you can do so without the cost of 3 years of your life.

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