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captaincabinets's picture

heeeeerrrrreeeee's Johnny (Charisma)!

I'm back. This may be difficult to swallow in this age of superconnectivity, but I only got the internet piped into my not-enough-room-to-swing-a-dead-cat-let-alone-have-the-facilities-to-cook-it abode a couple of days ago. Sure, I had my whopping 6mb per day on the university computers, but I felt could not do this site justice by showing up and not being able to download and upload the gruesome trainwrecks. Various other things invaded my life to prevent me from getting the internet - for one, I embarked on yet another "maiden" voyage (boom-tish) which is still so involving that to game-o-bliggity-blog every nuance would require a development team the size of the chariot crowd in Ben-Hur.
A triumphant rhinoceros trainwreck to herald my return will be stampeding its way to your eyeballs and fingers, shortly!


P.S I was on the train platform the other day, and someone actually had a shopping bag which read "Hat World." Don't worry, Six, I served him the cease-and-desist while politely breaking his legs.

EDIT: And here it is, quicker than even I expected! I had the idea for this while outside, pressing 'c'. My gosh, it's lovely to be klikking again.
Oh My Guacemole I Forgot How Big The Internet Was

omgifhbtiw.zip257.05 KB
Danni's picture


A crazed, deranged social outcast, EffBee will probably bore you to death with his constant musings over Linux, KDE SC, and computing in general. In fact, if you were to have a conversation with him, you would probably want to kill him. Or destroy your eardrums. But he does make some pretty humorous trainwrecks!

EffBee has used Click products ever since 1999, and although he has gained a fair bit of knowledge with the various products, there's little of that to be found in his contributions toward the Pirate Kart. Not only that, but he hardly Clicks anymore, as he's moved on from creating games to agonizing over little details and eccentricities in the C++ programming language. Still, he can hardly resist making the occasional trainwreck now and then in Klik & Play or some other Click product.

All trainwrecks in this collection authored by EffBee contain 0% Yoshi (ha ha, bet you weren't expecting that).

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
wibi's picture



Hi, I did a thing.
I will also be uploading this on nifflas.lpchip.nl under the username "canteven" which is why both names are shown on the title screen.
Also has a secret room in it with a toast fact (sort of)

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Johny L.'s picture

Player Adventure - The DrBlowhole EditioN!

bandicam 2013-07-26 11-04-19-841.png

Note: This is the game before the events of The Player Aventur.

Prepare for a madness of black & white screwup with the new Player Adventure edition based from Black Squirrel's classic Player Adventure!
This game contains:

+ over 20+ missions with challenging stuff!
+ The Q and R missions are back! This time they got a change.
+ Save the Dragoon of mystery from being dead!
+ New black and white monsters you'll encounter during the game!

WARNING: Like Player Adventure, this game contain flashing lights, window control abuse and even some other crap which makes your eyes hurt, play at your own risk and watch out.

P.S. Bambi appears as a cameo...

V1.0.1 fixes:
- Removed the Secret levels, it was a scrapped idea.
- Fixed the last route's redirection to the final level.

DrBlowhole20 (the game) and Black Squirrel (Player 1)
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
scarbo's picture


Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

Ever see a painting and want to travel to the world that painter painted? Well now you can!

There really isn't any gameplay in this game, I just was messing around in Unity and made portals and stuff. I usually make crappy 2D games so the models in this game aren't mine. I think I got most of them from Turbosquid. But I did make the portals and do the post processing stuff.

Website: https://macedev.com/

Ps. Let me know if you need a mac or linux version!

Made For: 
An event

With your leaves

with yo leaves.png

Click. Grim game. Yes im back on the railroad track.

Made For: 
An event
qrleon's picture

Billy the Kid 2010


A hurried remake of this.

edit: small bugfix in the first level.

more edit: I can't seem to pick KOTM 35 from the "Made For:" dropdown, but this game was most totally and/or certainly made for that event. SEEMS OK NOW

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Son of a dolphin's picture

ghame being near c o mpletion

i completed most of what i originally planned, now i am moving forward to throwing in the stuff that would really make it feel right to me

Wind of the Samurai (for ihavefivehat)


A samurai following a proud tradition of rude behavior quests to become the most powerful and least dishonorable samurai ever. Contains one game over and two endings.

Game is made with Adventure Construction Kit and runs in DOSBox. On Windows, run "ACK Launcher.exe" and select the adventure WSAMURAI. From plain old DOSBox run ACK/ack.bat.

Made For: 
An event
rosden's picture


Game File: 

A game about "imagining the process required to reach the pinnacle".

Made For: 
An event
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