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This probably is gonna take hours to upload


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increpare's picture

100 Names

Game File: 

Don't download just Play Here
Don't download just Play Here
Don't download just Play Here
Don't download just Play Here
Don't download just Play Here

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Pig Wars

Game File: 

You are Sir Pigalot, universal space bounty hunter of intrigue. These are but one of your adventures.
Please do not play if you are subject to epilepsy. Thank you.
I thought there was a deadline. If you have trouble with the text just type 0(zero).
For the asteroid section, the victory condition is losing.(get yourself hit to win)

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Slime Climb

Game File: 

First one to the top wins! But you'll have to work together to make it.

W,A,D to move, Lshift to ask for a restart

Up, left, right to move, Rshift to ask for a restart

Spent a little extra time adding some polish to the game, because it was basically broken without it. Hope that's alight!

Nick Scalzi
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Smedis2's picture


Game File: 

Press Z to shoot.
I don't know either.

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the most realistic baby raising simulator


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Fliffums's picture


Game File: 

Edit: (Epilepsy warning! Thanks for telling about that.)

A platformer game I made in Klik N' Play from around 2008-2009. Has around 10 levels, which include a terribly made boss. All graphics, music, and sfx made by me, with the exception of the water drop sfx in that one level. Music was made in Korg DS-10.

Note: Since Klik N' Play is so old, I had a friend convert it to a 32 bit file with what I believe was Clickteam Fusion or something. Some of the platforming mechanics don't work as originally intended as a result.

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Zecks's picture

Atlantis no Nazo no Murasamejou

Game File: 

A man finds a treasure map which lead him to the middle of the sea.
He takes the dive down to an underwater wonderland.

Use down, left and right arrow keys to swim around and avoid the deadly shark fishes and jellyfishes.

You'll also need to keep an eye on your lung pressure, do not let it go too much over 100, or you gonna be sleeping with the treasure. To do this you'll need to chill out in the shallower water first (not that you aren't pretty much forced to because I got carried away with the rng again.)

Also about Kung Fu 3 which I've been endlessly blabbering about:

I'm gonna try and give myself a kick in the butt (I've barely made enough progress that counts this far), and put up a dev diary for it sometime next week in hopes that I will actually someday work towards finishing it instead of working in random twenty minute farts couple times a week.
I'll also drop lots of other shit in there from time to time, like an updated version of the second one for starters, followed by some of my non-GTW-wrecks from past years and maybe a bit more "history" so you dudes understand what's going on (I never introduced myself :( ).

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spiral's picture

How'd You Get That One?


How'd You Get That One?

a micro fiction game by Nikki Bee

press the Spacebar to advance text or make a selection when prompted. press the up and down arrow keys or W/S to move up and down prompts.
press escape to pause/unpause the game. press spacebar to activate a selection in the pause menu. hold the left or right arrow keys or A/D to adjust sliders.

made in Clickteam Fusion 2.5. source is included. feel free to modify it, although I am currently working on improving the scripting engine, which I can give a copy of at request

original scripting engine by danworth
funtext code by everythingstaken
music by thatguynm
font is HK Grotesk by Hanken Design Co.

sfx from aim, an unknown pc-98 game, and some random telephone sample I have

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Head In The Clouds

Game File: 

man whatever

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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