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avery's picture

shoot things goddang it bobby

kotm game

really tired, couldnt think of anything so i just made a really bad shooter

shoot the things that come at you but also avoid them

have fun with that limited movement by the way :>

2018 Extra Notes: Ah yes, the first and last time I ever participated in a game jam. T'was 2am and I were fuckin' knackered so the result of the game wasn't great. You can tell I don't really care about this game from the fact that I didn't even bother converting it to TGF1 format. I can't even play it right now to add some more notes. Go play Hank Hill Shoots Things In The Back: THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT, if you must.

hank propane hill
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Too Many Zubats

Game File: 

Too many Zubats in Dark Cave!

Collect cherries for a high score!

Arrow Keys

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Noyb's picture

Let's Play Logical Journey of the Zoombinis

So, a few months ago I woke up in the middle of the night struck with a flash of inspiration. I booted up my laptop, created a new text file "gametitles.txt" and went back to sleep. In the morning, I opened the text file. There was a single entry: "The Illogical Journey of the Zambonis." I want to make this title into an actual trainwreck sometime in the future. A takeoff on The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, except all of the logic puzzles are actually independent random events with no logical connections between moves.

It's been ages since I've played The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, a kid's game based around teaching logic through colorful graphics and wacky characters. Most of the levels involve providing and input (mainly by choosing a zoombini and a path/bucket, where each Zoombini could have one of many different possible appearances that may or may not be important to the level), observing what happens, and intuiting the rules underlying that level's system.

The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis isn't a trainwreck. What is a trainwreck is some kid's Let's Play of The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis. The only one I found when searching youtube for '"Let's Play" Zoombinis' when trying to refresh my hazy memory of this game.

I'm having trouble mentally articulating what I find so special about this Let's Play, but here goes. This is totally something I would have done had I access to a camera and YouTube when I was younger. He's a kid just trying to amuse himself, but brave enough to share it with the world. He's a kid who doesn't actually seem to enjoy the game, but soldiers on regardless, echoing all those times in my childhood where I would play what I had and try to make the best of it. He's a kid who makes the same lame jokes over and over again when prompted by the same stimulus. He's a kid who tends to fill awkward silences with random bursts of casual racism. The Let's Play itself is recorded by a hand-held video recorder, capturing all the ambient noises in his room. Ceiling lights reflect off the monitor. In an odd bit of synchronicity, the viewer is made complicit with the player's confusion in one level where this light obscures an important clue that the player himself doesn't notice for a few minutes.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzr0aTssK0s
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcq5ooJaQvY
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmsk5FRRLSI
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMVVhP8e77A
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTbHwWzKC94

Edit: This is becoming even more racist as I watch. "I love Italian people They make spaghetti and pizza and Mamma Mia! And they made Mario. Well, Japanese people did. Japanese people created an Italian person. What's the world coming to? Well, Japanese people made American people. You know, all of Earthbound. Yeah, I went there." -.-;

SophieH's picture

Diamond in HELL


You're in hell, get the diamond!

Sophie Houlden
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mr diary's diary

10/12/2019: Goopy Goppy
10/13/2019: Grandma
10/14/2019: Deserving
2/15/2020: Beating the shit out of yourself [CW: Text describing graphic violence]
2/16/2020: Perfect Sphere
3/20/2020: This Beautiful Virus

SpindleyQ's picture

Jeremy "Spindley Q Frog" Penner

Jeremy started Glorious Trainwrecks in April of 2007 because he wanted to play more games like The Last Eichhof, a freeware DOS game where you controlled a beer bottle that shot at alarm clocks while yodelling in space. Unbelievably, it worked.

Since then, he has hacked his Wii to play Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! with bongos, reverse-engineered the Klik & Play file format, created a realtime multiplayer telnet ANSI drawing program with ambitions to become a collaborative game development tool, and instigated dozens of internet game jams, bringing together people from all over the globe and producing somewhere in the neighbourhood of 1000 games so far.

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Pirate Kart 2
Danni's picture

A Proper Occasion for Ripped Sprites


In celebration of the 25th, I have crafted 25 mini-levels to jump through!

I went waaaay overtime on this.

MMF2 has really lousy performance when it comes to rotating/scaling sprites in software rendering.

Shift jumps.
Hold Shift to jump higher, and to bounce higher off the note blocks.
Don't leave any edge of the screen.
Don't hit any Spinies.
Grab the Super Mushroom. If there are coins, grab them first. Then the Super Mushroom will appear.
You can bounce upward off the top corners of the note blocks.
You can go to any number level by typing that number into the File -> Password dialog.
The "Ow, that really huuurht!" voice clip was by Malefact. Sorry.

Edit: You might want to install the "Arcade" font to play this, but it's totally optional.

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Gravity Gunner

Game File: 

You are piloting a space fighter with no weapons, save for the Half-Life-esque Gravity Gun, a device which pulls rocks towards your ship. Use it to navigate the treacherous interstellar terrain ahead. There's one small kink, though - once you start pulling a rock toward you, you can't stop pulling it toward you unless you select another rock. This means you'll have to dodge most of the things you drag out! Be nimble, spacedude.

This is inspired by the Game Boy game Nemesis: The Interstellar Assault in terms of visuals.

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Game File: 

I ran over! Next time I'll try and come up with something with a more appropriate scope.

<arrow keys> move
<space> place bombs

Kill all the red monsters to get to the next level
<r> resets (which is lamentably necessary because the generation and tuning are both awful)

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gisbrecht's picture

BINKY XXVI: Die Wunderkammer vom BINKY

Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

If you have the time, please read "onMasterSlaveAndGodotDevelopers" in txt or pdf formats

The twenty sixth in the award winning BINKY series!

What is "Die Wunderkammer vom BINKY"? Exclusive BINKY release for German speaking audience? Nein, nein! This is the story of a closet of wonders... and the trouble BINKY got themself into...


WASD / Arrows - Move

Esc - Quit


Artwork by
Hans Memling
Vittore Carpaccio
Master of the 1540s
Francesco Salviati
Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder
Lorenzo Costa
Lucas Cranach the Elder
Domencio Remps (1620-1699)

Open Dyslexic Font


Wizardry V - Training Grounds transcribed by Steven Jones

Special Thanks:

Ludonaut for German translation

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Made For: 
An event
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