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kirkjerk's picture


Game File: 

It's Halloween! And once again, whoops, I forgot to make a game. So this is more like a toy / graphics-design exercise.

Move your monster ball around. Click to add a random monster head, or hit the first letter for a [v]ampire,[w]itch,[g]host, or [f]rankstein monster. Space resets.

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How to use JavaScript arrays in Twine

An array is essentially an ordered list of data values, such as strings or number expressions. You can declare a Twine variable to be an array using just the set macro.

*To create an empty array called $inv: <<set $inv = [] >>
*To create an array called $inv containing the string "Dagger": <<set $inv = ["Dagger"] >>
*To create an array called $inv containing "Dagger", "Shield" and "Potion" in that order: <<set $inv = ["Dagger", "Shield", "Potion"] >>

To examine or change the values inside an array, a number of methods are available that can be used in the set, if and print macros. Here are some examples.

Examining arrays and their contents

*To print the entire contents of an array in order (usually for debug purposes): <<print $inv >>
*To see if the value "Magic Knife" is inside an array: <<if $inv.indexOf("Magic Knife") gte 0>>
*To get the number of values inside an array: <<set $size = $inv.length >>
*To get the first value inside an array: <<set $first = $inv[0] >>
*To get the last value inside an array: <<set $first = $inv[$inv.length - 1] >>

Changing values in arrays

*To add the value "Magic Knife" to the end of an array: <<set $inv.push("Magic Knife")>>
*To add the values "Blunt Axe", "Key" and $item to the end of an array: <<set $inv.push("Blunt Axe", "Key", $item)>> (push() can insert many values at once.)
*To add the value "Weird Pear" to the start of an array: <<set $inv.unshift("Weird Pear")>>
*To add the values "Blunt Axe", $item, 2, and $weapon to the start of an array: <<set $inv.unshift("Blunt Axe", $item, 2, $weapon)>> (unshift() can also insert many values at once.)
*To remove the value "Weird Pear" from an array: <<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf("Weird Pear"),1)>>
*To sort an array alphabetically: <<set $inv.sort()>>
*To reverse an array: <<set $inv.reverse()>>
*To remove the first value from an array: <<set $inv.shift()>>
*To remove the last value from an array: <<set $inv.pop()>>
*To remove the first value from an array and set $item to it: <<set $item = $inv.shift()>>
*To remove the last value from an array and set $item to it: <<set $item = $inv.pop()>>

rhetoricstu's picture

Pingas - 100 minigames


If the game doesn't work try "view source" in the browser

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Son of a dolphin's picture

Knytt of The Month Klub #9

Sun, Aug 09 2015 05:00 PM
08/09/2015 - 20:00
08/09/2015 - 22:00

(mostly cut and pasted from sergio)
Make a Knytt Stories level in 2 hours! Alternatively, make something else in 2 hours. It's up to you, really.
(But Knytt Stories levels are profoundly awesomer than everything else in existence, so why not just make one :3)

Never used the Knytt Stories editor before? No problem! Download Knytt Stories here. (If you've never played it before, give the tutorial or bundled level a go to get a feel for how the game works.) The editor comes included, and a good way to learn to use it is by cracking open existing levels and poking at them to see how they work. This guide is also recommended reading.

Join us on IRC for camaraderie, support and merrymaking! Point your favourite IRC client to #glorioustrainwrecks on irc.freenode.net, or use our handy-dandy in-browser chat here.

(If, like me, you haven't used IRC before, just go to this site and type in #glorioustrainwrecks for the channel name, and you can use any nickname. I'm just saying this to minimze confusion )

Upload your level here when it's done.

Games made for Knytt of The Month Klub #9

wibi's picture

Property Damage

Screenshot 2022-03-15 034606.png

in this game, your objective is to cover all the targets, and then move onto the "goal" square. simple!

bert of wibi; fiend of wibi as honorary adding-himself-to-the-GT-credits-right-now executive advisor
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Healy's picture


TwIFcomp is an IF comp where the entrants were restricted to 140 characters of code, minus whitespace. The results are often wrecktastic. The ones I especially like are You see Chaos Here, LOTR, > by @, Ring, and Money. Most of these games have a link to play them in a browser, so why not try some of them out?

i heard you like videogames


So I tweeted last night "@retroremakes Screw 2012. I am personally committing to submit at least infinity games to the kart." with this game in mind.
And today I find Jonathan Whiting's made this, beating me to the punch.
Not only that, but this game, a clear ripoff of my game Glitch Tank.
This can only be resolved with a game-making duel.
En garde!

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Danni's picture



Trampolelephant is a game about elephants and trampolines that miraculously don't break when elephants and giraffes bounce on them.

Features bouncing.


Made in the 30-minute afterjam with SpindleyQ (which I went over by about five minutes). I spent half the time making the title screen.

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Catch Them Zubats


Catch ALL the Zubats!

Controls: Arrow Keys

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