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haaanski's picture


Screen Shot 2015-08-07 at 12.42.39 AM.jpg
Game File (Mac): 
Game File: 

made for @aliendovecote's #petjam

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wibi's picture

Design Notes For a Puzzle-Action Game


The intended way to play "Design Notes For a Puzzle-Action Game" is to download the .zip file, which contains images. Look at the images in order.

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edenicholas's picture

So Many Games (or not)


Multi-pack of several amazing games:
"Rotater" - an interactive poem on the politics of potatoes.
"They Will Find You" - title pretty much sums it up.
"Tosser" - are you one? This game will help you answer the question.
"Find Them" - a cheeky decon-recon switch of "They Will Find You".

Edwin DeNicholas
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Johny L.'s picture

Waligie 2.5 (demo version)


DrBlowhole20 returns with a newest entry of his history, and this time it's one of my beloved Waligie fangame i am trying to make after these missing years of attempting to do a Waligie fangame.

To be honest, this game is NOT a sequel, it's rather a typical waligie game, but made in Clickteam Fusion 2.5.
Beware that this game, as like a Waligie game has:
-Irritable level design
-Stupidity at usual
-Frustrating moments

and many more you'd expect from a kind of game like this.

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Don't Freeze to Death... and mind the axe murderer.


Don't Freeze to Death... and mind the axe murderer (alternatively DFTD) is my first attempt at any game jam whatsoever, in my first attempt in Game Maker. Done in -just- over 2 hours.

It is about a lone hiker who becomes lost in the snowy wilderness and must make fire from sparse trees in order to stop himself from perishing in the harsh cold.

Also there's an angry guy with an axe who keeps popping up.

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Rynen10K's picture


So I've made more music than I have games on my current copy of Wario Ware DIY, and I figured I'd share it with you guys to use in future Kliks. Or just listen to it if you're a weirdo like me.

There's about 20 tracks, half are original works and the other half are arrangements of various video game music (mostly Mega Man and Mega Man X), so, yeah. Have fun.

I've also included some tracks I made in Little Big Planet 2's built-in Music Composer, which is mostly comprised of tracks I created for my brother's metroid-inspired level DELVE. Check it out if you've got a copy of LBP2 :O

Anyone else got any wacky WarioWare DIY music they've recorded and want to share? POST IT HERE!

WarioWare_DIY_and_LBP2_Music-Rynen10K.zip29.96 MB
Danni's picture

Droid Didn't Do It!


As some of you are probably aware, it is now legal to jailbreak your iPhone. This is really good news, because it means that it opens up the market for others who don't want to go through Apple's inane App Store approval process. But Apple's response filled me with rage, so I made this game.

Press Shift a bunch to start the game. Hold Shift to accelerate your droid, and then hold Shift after that to decelerate, then hold Shift to accelerate again, and etc. Your droid will turn clockwise when you are not holding Shift. The objective is to ram into Steve Jobs without hitting the walls or any App Store restrictions.

Soundtrack from mock2.wad.

Oh, this is also my second trainwreck made in Linux, this time using MMF2, so Windows and Linux users alike can enjoy (without having to change process affinity)!

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sergiocornaga's picture

omgt5: fever dream


made while bedridden with headcold. reaching the underwhelming alternative ending is as easy as A, B, C! (it's actually really hard and unintuitive)

music from The Ferret Show by Goto80 and the Uwe Schenk Band.

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