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Futility Pong

Game File: 

Pong with spoilers.

Made For: 
An event
acidpoison's picture


Game File: 

A flickgame fangame celebrating nuuups 50th released game.

I'm uploading it here to preserve it forever.

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Game File: 

jesus christ i have a cold and knp crashed like three times
have this

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Pirate Kart 2
Son of a dolphin's picture

Pineapple (knytt stories level)

Screenshot (34).png

after deciding to revive the knytt of the month klub, despite never having made a knytt stories level, i was inspired to make a little one before i went to sleep. This was made before the jam. It's maybe a little lazy, but it was still fun to make, i spent 2-3 hours on it

meeee e e ee
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Scroungin_4_Catsup's picture

All Hail The Beetle - Don't Jostle That Jewel!


A small game that allows you to test your skills as a master burglar.

Another experiment in mouse control, or lack thereof, the idea is to pick up your computer's mouse and then put it back down without causing the beetle to move. If you fail, an alarm sounds, the screen shakes and a counter depletes until you put the beetle back where it belongs.

Apologies in advance for the "flavor" of this one being a little bare-bones.

Typing this sentence so I can have a line that doesn't begin with the letter A.

Also (argh!) I've included the source but it contains very few comments!

Scroungin' 4 Catsup
Made For: 
An event
clyde's picture

KWFK (a HaLLoWeEn game)


A HalloWeEn game inspired by prompt 7 of 13 during the 13 Days of Halloween: Bite Sized Grab Bag event.

This was made with RPG Maker MV.
The game file I uploaded (for download) is just a zip file with the html5 build in it. I think it's compatible with all operating systems, but possibly not with all browsers. Just click on the index.html file to open the game. I'm not positive it will work.

Made For: 
An event
illegalbloodmarket's picture

Event Help

So here's what I'm trying to do in my game:

I have one active object girl facing to the right. Every couple seconds, she flips around during its animation to face the left. The screen is filled with gems, treasures, etc and you gain money by clicking on them. I want to make it so when the girl is facing the left (in view of all of the treasures) clicking on a treasure results in losing all of your points and displays a text object saying you got caught. It's like a shoplifting mini-game. I already have it so click on objects gives you money and gaining enough money will give complete the level, but I can't figure out the 'getting caught' dynamic.

Any help?

Healy's picture

Two Kickstarter Projects I think you guys would enjoy: Motorcyclus and Dominique Pamplemousse

(One of these is actually on Indiegogo but whatever.)

So I hope you guys are familiar with Deirdra Kiai! If not, check her out! She made The Play, which was in the Top 3 of the 2011 IF Competition. Anyway, Deirdra's got a game coming out called Dominique Pamplemousse in It's All Over Once the Fat Lady Sings! It's a musical detective adventure game done in stop-motion, and she's planning on working on it full time if the project gets funded.

Speaking of people who made games that placed in the Top 3 of the 2011 IF Comp, Ryan Veeder, writer of Comp Winner Taco Fiction, has a Kickstarter out for a book called Motorcyclus and Other Extremely Scary Stories. It's a book of short (sometimes really short, like two paragraphs or so) horror fiction, the style of which can be best described as Trainwreck-y. For 60 bucks he'll name one of the characters in the book after you, so if you ever wanted immortality as the star of a dodgy horror story, now's your chance! But hurry, supplies won't last. (I think he's planning to only make 30 copies of the book.)

kirkjerk's picture

sequel to a sequel: pretty colour invader rally 3d *2*!!!!


So I wasn't 100% happy with my KotMK entry, so I updated it...
now the invaders stay upright, and oriented towards the "player", and they have grey outlines, and the "chase cursor" is a bit different... now x+y axis is changed when you move the mouse, and x+z when you move the mouse with the button held down. Plus the chase box is a white box rather than a red dot

again, more of a toy than a game....

pcir3d2.zip231.94 KB
captaincabinets's picture

The poly-faceted ethical conundrums of Klik of the Month Klub

In KotMK #4, kirkjerk raised an interesting point with his totally brill Conway West. What is the general deal with game forethought in relation to the klub? I know that nothing in relation to trainwrecks of a ferociously glorious nature is technically frowned upon, but I still feel dirty when I have come up with my basic concept for KotMK 2 weeks before it happens (which I'll admit is what happened for pac-manly). And I have already come up with my idea for the next one, an action-puzzler called Serengetting Down in which you must guide gnus to the local Wildebeestie Boys concert.

Basically, my thoughts are that it is not really a good thing. It becomes more of a race against time to not leave out features (with forethought, you know basically what Klik n Play can accomodate, and what you can fit in in 2 hours), as oppose to a scenario where you are furiously coming up with ambitious designs and then refining and scrapping and redirecting and, well, hyper-crappening. The pirate kart worked well in this regard, because the sheer volume of games required in a short time meant that there was no way you could think. I guess, also, it was right at the start of my re-acquaintance with KnP, so I forgot what it could and couldn't do.

Don't get me wrong, I am not here to tell people not to think about the games beforehand. That would be stupid, domineering, double-standard-a-riffic, and well, wrong, because frankly I don't care whether people do or don't and I am head over heels in love with every piece of user-generated content on this site. But I am finding it a little bit of a problem, personally, for my brain to stop thinking, and I need to know how to klik the habit. Maybe I should actually follow the allotted time? Being early on sunday morning, the nausea and total lack of focus from another horror saturday night might help, or it may result in me spending the two hours writing an incredibly vivid and emotionally raw backstory, with nary a game mechanic in sight.

So what are people's thoughts regarding pre-planning of 2 hour trainwrecks? What should I do, Dr. Miracle? Has anyone else dipped their cup into the KotMK moral quagmire and found something else that tastes, well, brackish?


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