
ihavefivehat's picture

lost in the blue wild frontier of heavens door: i'm knocking but can't get in yet - a flight sim for tired people

screen shot.png

a game about being a tiny plane in the middle of a huge sky

you can press buttons to move your plane. other things will move too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you're wondering if there's more to the game - there isn't! just relax and enjoy.

music by: me
plane grafx by: me

other stuff by: people on google

Made For: 
An event
ihavefivehat's picture

Fox Dance (for 3fox)


During a full moon, when all other animals are asleep, the fox spirits leave the forest and gather on the beach where they dance to the strange music which drifts from somewhere across the sea.


This is a musical toy type thing, kinda like electroplankton. It's an elaboration on this (which I didn't make):
You can control different groups of foxes and move them around a musical grid. When you give up control they will keep performing the movements you had them do.
You can make weird dissonant noise or things that are somewhat soothing and nice. Just play around and have fun!

Also, every time you restart the program you will get different sounds.


12/30 update: Changed the fox sprite; slightly changed the way the program works; added mouse controls; you can move diagonally now; fixed some bugs

Made For: 
An event
everythingstaken's picture

Musi Panda


if you press 1 and 2 you can switch between the editor and the panda

editor instructions
press keys a-h to create different notes
press backspace to delete notes


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Made For: 
An event
Lynx's picture

SM Syndrome


A game made for Hugs during the 2013 Klik'n'Klaus event.

Be the small swordfighter battling the huge evil slimes and ruthless spectre.
With appearances by some of the most popular small heroes in gamedom.
Enjoy the classic style music and intuitive mouse controls.
Merry Christmas Hugs!

Read accompanying files for control help.

Made For: 
An event
Sprocket's picture

Gout Pony's 'A Family Gouting': The Game


Gout's about! There's no need to grout! Don't pout! Get some gout!

Gout Pony's 'A Family Gouting: The Game'™ is the ultimate experience in gout! Play avant-garde author Robert Coover as he fails to care about obstacles! Pass through the gnashing jaws of Jeremy Kyle! Eat asparagus and organ meats to give yourself the condition that everybody's talking about!

No offense is intended towards those who really suffer from gout.

Genres abound in this absurdist, experimental, but deeply playable game.

Each short level is based upon one of the songs from Gout Pony's first EP 'A Family Gouting'™. Far more than an in-joke, yet so much less than a real game, this may be the first genuine "art game"™ to be developed to be played alongside an EP and both game and EP can be enjoyed together TODAY for -- no money -- ! The levels follow the track listing (with track 8 as a *bonus level*) however the entire long-form EP/ short-form LP has been converted to scintillating MIDI form for his/ her pleasure.

Listen to the album here:

And live the game!

Made For: 
An event
squidlarkin's picture

Happy Return (the Trololo game)


Use the arrow keys to dodge/dance! Don't get crushed by the Eduard Khils!

Made on 10/17/2009 for KotMK #28. Reposting it for linkability because it's still one of the best things I've made.

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Made For: 
An event
mcc's picture

Devil's Chord

Screen shot 2012-11-17 at 8.20.28 PM.png

I spent today making this, for some reason. Then I realized there was a KOTM today. I am retroactively declaring this a KOTM project. It makes music. Illegal music. Diabolic music. Okay, by that I actually just mean there are tritones involved.

Source code:

Decoder ring:

Click a ring to increase pitch by one semitone
Right-click (or shift-click) a ring to decrease pitch by one semitone
Ctrl-click a ring to disable or enable it
Left and right arrow keys to speed and slow the alternator
R key: Reset everything
B key: Reset alternator, leave notes unaffected
Number keys: Load notes: (1) Tritones (2) Tritones [shifted up 3] (3) Tritones [descending] (4) Tritones plus tritones shifted up 3 (5) Hum (6) Higher hum (7) High buzzing (8) Pentatonic scale (9) Major chord (0) Liz's chord

Mac and Windows versions included.

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Made For: 
An event



Lin said it doesn't matter if i make a plot but I should make one if I want, so we'll do the classic MNO-STYLE plot.

The year's 12890815. Your name is Olivia. You are 54 years old and wear an orange headband and you have a tv dinner you wanna cook in the microwave.. It would make you soooo happy to get to that microwave and stuff. But what will happen on the way? I don't know what will happen on the way and you know less about what will happen in the wya. so collect, fire your .38 special when you're sad and it will make you less sad.

You notice like the phases of time and stuff and they make you sooo confused.


x@*()@$H@)(HF()#H - You are doing pretty good
EIO#h3odoIBNoie - Computer Science Major
h#)(H#()H#() or more - TAY ZONDAY


It looks like around 2003 I made the first 10 boards and found out it should be made into a full game. I added 11 boards and here is the result. MNO made a few suggestions about my games and I created this as a result of his suggestions and it is based a little bit off of linhat's style of gameplay.. There is one gameplay board involved.. If you are stuck on it you can press ?+I ENTER or just I if you are using lyon for hints but the results will get rid of the ambiance. (sorry for the bold sir and/or ma'am) Try to solve the puzzle first. You will be heavily rewarded.

A little laid back, a little music... A little tight-knit, and a little constructioney. Here you will even see the process of how I make my stuff with a fresh never before done animationey sequence thing.

The screenshot above is not what you'll see in the game. It's totally false advertising and I used a lot of filters, but I did that so you could get another experience.... Your animations will be similar though. I shoulda put a note under it that said "based on the commodore 64 graphics" Like the advertisement for Congo Bongo that was one of the first examples of advertisements that used fake previously rendered graphics.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
Glorious GDC Gameboree 2010
Smedis2's picture



That's all. Enjoy.

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Made For: 
An event
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