
« Thursday April 15, 2010 »
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

It's Themed Trainwreck Thursdays, a new series which (hopefully) comes to you on the second Thursday of every month, airing at 7 - 9 PM EDT, the same time as Klik of the Month!

Here's the deal: As a contestant on our show, you are given two hours to come up with your very own themed trainwreck using the tool of your choice! The winner receives fun and good times! Consolation prize is fun and good times!

Your theme for this month is: Falling Block Puzzle. We are also accepting submissions for ideas regarding future Themed Trainwreck Thursdays, so everyone is a winner!

The Falling Block Puzzle is an enigmatic mix of wells and falling objects. Your themed trainwreck could be about shapes or colors. It might involve falling objects that aren't blocks. It might even be surreal. Just be sure you include wells and falling objects.

Remember, contestants on our show get to enjoy such amenities as The Learning KNP FAQ and Internet Relay Chat, so you can feel like a real star!

Let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen!

Contestants, submit your Themed Trainwrecks here!

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