Revision of MR. CAT III: MR. CAT SAVES THE DAY YET AGAIN from Tue, 08/12/2014 - 08:04

Johny L.'s picture

Finally, this is the new hit sequel you've been waiting for. Mr. Cat 3.

Now with:
- More than 20+ boss battles
- Side scrolling levels
- Great cutscenes
- Epic story
- Legendary Mr. Cat is back
- Your mom won't even look at this
- Game save system!! (spoiler: passwords)

"I'm nearly felt so great in this game" - Bruce Lee
"Glorious Trainwrecks will be proud of this game" - Charle Magne
"Legendary and unstoppable Mr. Cat" - Barack Obama

Happy very early anniversary, Mr. Cat (Series made since August 24th 2013)

Made For: 
An event