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mkapolk's picture

I never liked this game

Screen Shot 2017-06-03 at 5.14.22 PM.png

snood or znork or plape or w/e it was called. the character is really cute though

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netgrind's picture

SSSnake (Obese)

SSSnake (obese)ss.png

Looks like your snake has been eating to much food.

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tininsteelian's picture

Spin Spinner 5: Also Spin Spinner 4 Edition

2015-11-27 19_59_16-Spin Spinner 4_ Sellout Edition.png


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Game Hitler didn't play in his free time (BECUZ ITS TO AWEZUM !1!!11!!!)


Sane people make games, insane people...(like me) make things that... well, kinda suck.
But fear not, it's not as bad as you might think (It's even worse), so give it a try today.
And by the way, to unlock the premium features you just have to send 9999999€ to North pole, Santa Street 10.
Thank you for your understanding"

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CharlieVermin's picture


Game File: 

You are a young and ambitious sphere who feels ready to run for the president. Can you get the support of the majority in a country of two strongly opposing factions? Find out in this action puzzle game than only uses dark blue, yellow and magenta colors unless it uses gray. I made this game in two days after spending several days on having good intentions and producing absolutely nothing. Challenge yourself and spend ten minutes on this!

Or five minutes and fifty seconds. If you win the game this fast, you will be better than me.

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a journey through finnegan's wake


see title

ella guro
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SpindleyQ's picture

Klik of the Month Klub #26

Sat, Aug 15 2009 04:00 PM
08/15/2009 - 16:00
08/15/2009 - 18:00

The Klik of the Month Klub meets right here on this very website on the third Saturday of every month at 4pm Pacific Time (taking daylight savings into consideration) for a two hour Klik & Play Showdown. Everyone who participates gets two hours to create something from scratch in Klik & Play. Abusing the stock objects is encouraged. If you really loathe Klik & Play you can use whatever game development platform you want. Two hours is a pretty tight time limit, though, so choose wisely!

Klik & Play is absolutely free to download, and learning it takes minutes, so everyone can get in on the action. Want to talk to your fellow Klikwreckers? Join us on IRC -- server irc.freenode.net, channel #glorioustrainwrecks. Join the mayhem!

For more information, check out the KotM N00B FAQ.

Sign up below to get reminded by email the day before the klikkening begins!

Games made for Klik of the Month Klub #26

spiders's picture



This is an RPG Maker 2k3 chaingame map made over a duration of about a month by krisekrise and me. Starting from a blank map we tried to recreate the entire map of the original Pokémon Red/Blu (Kanto) from memory.

I don't know why we did this. It is not humanly possible to understand it. But what might be even more scary is how eerily accurate our map turned out compared to the actual thing. Have a look for yourself.


* No one was allowed to look at any Pokémon-related stuff during the month of making this: So no maps, images, Pokéwiki, playthrough videos etc. Especially not from the first-gen games. (Both of use hadn't played the games in a long time)
* We took turns during mapping where each of us would create one route or city or some other landmark and then send the map to the other person to continue.
* Only use the default RPG Maker overworld tileset and RTP assets

The title screen graphic was made by asking an AI image generator what it thinks a Pokémon gameboy box cover would look like.
Background midis were collected from various RPG Maker projects lying around.

If you want to compare while playing, here is the original map for reference: https://external-preview.redd.it/ZKQ9FyiXRBX5abm6omYKuT6zTWX9jbxiQ1YH6exWssw.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=00bbfea0fc0b1584906ac46e6013e837dc1bd612

Feel free to use our ruleset to expand this map (anyone want to add Johto?) or recreate some other game overworld.

spiders & krisekrise
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SpindleyQ's picture

The Internet Archive and YOU

Hello folks!

As many of you are aware, the Internet Archive has announced that they now support running Windows 3.1 software in your browser. Anyone can upload old Windows games to the Internet Archive, and they will become playable immediately, with a strong promise of being preserved forever.

Much of this site's history is written in Klik & Play, and Klik & Play is a pain in the ass to get working on a modern PC. So I am excited by the prospect of preserving and making playable again these weird games that we made together years ago.

I have always publicly promised to ensure that your games will not vanish once they have been uploaded here. At some point, I would like to do a dump of _all_ Glorious Trainwrecks games to the Internet Archive, just so that if I were to get hit by a bus and stop paying the server bill, it wouldn't all disappear.

But there is a huge difference between "I uploaded a 26gb zip of everything someplace for safekeeping, other people can grab and mirror and dig through it if they want" and "here is a direct link to YOUR OLD THING, running with a single click, in a place you didn't expect to see it". The more I upload stuff, the more I feel it. So.

If you contributed old Klik & Play games and want them saved, get in touch. Reply to this thread, PM me, tweet me, whatever. I will put your stuff up and make it playable. But I'm not going to do it without your permission*. And if you want only some of it up, or if I put stuff up that you later decide you'd rather stay buried**, I will respect that and take it down.

I plan on attempting to get in touch directly with many of the people who are no longer active community members who nevertheless helped shape the culture of Glorious Trainwrecks in its early days, and asking for their permission to post stuff. I really would love to see lots of the stuff which has become inaccessible over time become available again. There has been some incredible work done in our history; we should keep it alive.

* Before I decided this for certain, I uploaded some Action Point 2009 demos by qrleon, mojofltr, and Strong without getting in touch with them. I plan to get in touch with them very soon to confirm that this is OK.

** A personal example: In the Year One collection, there is a Klik & Play valentine I made for my now-ex-wife. I decided that I was OK with not having that be instantly playable in your browser.

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