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qrleon's picture

Everything is Upsidedown

Game File: 

The game where your own bullets betray you. Can you make everything rightsideup again? (OF COURSE YOU CANT!)

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2


Game File: 

testing out my shiny new c++ opengl engine
last time i checked it works on win xp, 7, 8, and 10
but i wanted to double-check

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ExciteMike's picture

Ax Relax

Game File: 

axes. juggler. Bob Marley midi.

Flash version
TGF version in case you can't run 16-bit exes

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axrelax_tgf.zip457.36 KB



This is it. The Director's Cut. The Special Edition. With Gamestop Preorder Bonus. Everything up until now has been build up for this one moment. The pinnacle of human civilization. Download it. Play it. Feel it. Experience it. In four glorious colors.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2


Game File: 

wasd to move, mouse to look around.

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Trouv's picture

The Intracycle

Diagram Intracycle.png

Hey all, I finally wrote up some stuff about The Intracycle, my big ol' experimental physical game thing that was at Baby Castles. The itch link has a pretty serious description as well as some images (along with a ruleset!) which I encourage you to take a look at if you're interested. I won't bother copy/pasting that description here. Hopefully I will be able to get The Intracycle out into the real world some more soon. Let me know what you think of the idea!

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Pizza Time's picture

Die By The Sword

It was brought up just recently over at TGQ forums and I am currently trying to remember just how much of a completely awesome but greatly flawed game it was. It has this completely awesome combat system where you can take the limbs off of the various monsters you kill and even pick up the bits that have fallen off and swing them around for a spell but the same can happen to you so you can get into situations where you are hopping around on one leg trying to kill a pig man who only has one arm but since the controls are a bit unwieldy you only really succeed in tapping him on the shoulder with your blade whilst you hurry to get out of the way of his axe and it descends into a shoulder tapping match.

So you have this hilarious game which is marred by this control scheme where you handle all movement with one hand and your sword with the other (the highest level of mouse sensitivity isn't really sensitive enough) whilst frequently fighting multiple enemies at the same time. There is no auto-face or keys that let you cycle though targets so you are handling strafing and turning often at the same time, moving forwards and backwards helps a lot as does crouching and jumping. There are times when you start a sword swing but have to quickly turn because what you are trying to kill just moved to the side and you frequently end up flailing at thin are whilst you get your legs hacked off by pissed off monsters.

You can see where this is going.

It's really a special kind of trainwreck, an oil shipment stuck behind a passenger car full of clowns. It's a hilarious game but the important parts are the ones that always spill out and end up setting everything on fire. There are only a few people who can get around this and still find the humour in it. And you can totally play as an ogre and bat annoying kobolds off the side of a platform suspended over a medieval blender pit.

Twine: preloading images

Update: embedded images in Twine 1.4 do not need to be preloaded, so this is not necessary if you are using those.

If you use a lot of images in your Twine game, it would be very good of you if you preloaded them at the start of the game - having to wait for images to load during a story, even momentarily, can be distracting.

Now you could bother to convert them all to inline Base64, but there's other, less intrusive ways. You could, rather, put every image in your story in invisible img tags in the Start passage:

<img src="  [url of an image ] " style="display:none;" >

...but of course, that requires you to manually list every image yourself. Here is my recommendation: use this JavaScript that will do it automatically, when the story starts. Just put this in a passage tagged with "script".

(function(){var r="";var s=Wikifier.formatters;for(var j=0;j<s.length;j++){if(s[j].name=="image"){r=s[j].lookahead;
break;}}var div=document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild.nextSibling;while(div){if(r){k(new RegExp(r,"mg"),4);
}var b=String.fromCharCode(92);var u=b+"s*['"+'"]?([^"'+"']+(jpe?g|a?png|gif|bmp))['"+'"]?'+b+"s*";
k(new RegExp("url"+b+"("+u+b+")","mig"),1);k(new RegExp("src"+b+"s*="+u,"mig"),1);
div=div.nextSibling;}function k(c,e){do{var d=c.exec(div.innerHTML);if(d){var i=new Image();

That's all.

Update 17/2/13: This now works with images in HTML <img> tags as well.

Update 12/2/13: This will now also preload images used in CSS url( ... ) values. It will search for such values in every passage, include the stylesheet passages, script passages, and inline JavaScript.

Version history:

  1. 17/2/13 - Now works for image files specified in HTML src="..." attributes.
  2. 13/2/13 - CSS preloading now only loads JPEG, JPG, PNG, APNG, GIF and BMP files (that is to say, not font files).
  3. 12/2/13 - Now preloads images specified by CSS URL values too.
  4. 19/1/13 - Initial.

mkapolk's picture

Bower Island - for Petra

Game File: 

Ho, ho, ho, Merrrryyyy Klikmas Petra!!! Bower Island is a printable zine game in which you draw up a happy little house for your animal friends to live in during the rainy season. Explore Bower Island, collect goodies and meet your animal friends. I hope you will fine it calm and comforting.

The .zip has two PDFs - "Bower Island" is for reading on its own in a PDF viewer, but "Bower Island - booklet" is for printing into a zine. To do so, print double sided and use "Flip on Short Edge". If your printing program doesn't specify which edge to flip on, in my experience they tend to default to the wrong way. Chrome's printing feature can specify the edge to flip on, though. Once it's printed out, just fold and staple.

For Petra, who requested:

Bats and animals (like everything, but check out sables if you want to see a particularly fluffy thing today)
Furries and anthro stuff
Cozy huggy affectionate things
Neat sprots
Cozy/chill/cute vibes
queer shit hell yeah
I keep thinking about how Guan's Island on itch plays what with just being explory with no combat or anything, I think that's interesting
Little (semi-)hidden areas

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Made For: 
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