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Kate B's picture

Open World Jam

Fri, Mar 11 2022 11:53 PM
03/11/2022 - 23:53
10/31/2023 - 23:53

the legend of zelda: breath of the wild (2017)

"Open World" games are the current "hot" thing in video games right now. these games are vast, have massive budgets and take years to make. but I believe that they can be made within weeks, on a budget of $0.

far cry

the goal of the open-world jam is to make one of these games. what defines an open-world game? well it's very loosely defined. but here's some things
- large map with lots of points of interest
- back of the game box would describe it as "vast" or "a massive game world" or such
- a continuous space with no load times (YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS PART IF YOU DON'T WANT)
- lots of "collectables" and "items"

see how much of the player's time you can fill with as little effort as possible. maybe some procedurally generated content? maybe some large, sparse expanses?


Q: is yume nikki an "open world game"?
A: yes

Q: what if I can't make a world that big?
A: you can make it very small, it's allowed

Q: is [game] an open world game?
A: let's just say yes

Q: may I submit an unfinished game?
A: all open world games are unfinished in some way, so yes

feel free to play fast and loose with the concept. now go! out! into the world!

Games made for Open World Jam

NameCreatedsort iconByScreenshotComments
Friendship World11/21/2023 - 03:22Cube_WellFriendshipWorld.png0
Contamninated Skies10/30/2023 - 16:14Knowitall66Screenshot 2023-10-31 170521 - small.png2
GILGAMESH II11/13/2022 - 14:24town-mapgilgamesh_ii_cutout_bg_title_screen_2.png1
ZOZ11/11/2022 - 12:12wilzoz-gameplay.gif1
Open World Jam08/13/2022 - 03:35EmilieDuTurfu2.PNG4
open world (it's open time)06/12/2022 - 23:01dirtywater.tubeScreenshot 2022-06-12 at 22-59-43 open world (it's open time) by gg noni.png5
open worm jam04/12/2022 - 18:59gisbrechtopenwormjam.PNG4
Property Damage03/15/2022 - 00:55wibiScreenshot 2022-03-15 034606.png7
qrleon's picture

2018 ZZT Project

Capture d’écran de 2018-05-27 10-52-58.png

I'm working a lot of graveyard shifts lately, and have found myself turning to ZZT to burn idle time when I'm home and nothing's open. ZZT is technically very simple, but I find myself going OCD messing around with details in KevEdit, and the time just melts away.

I made a handful of draft game/puzzle boards, but I'm lukewarm about the overall story / circumstances I've plotted out. Struggling to make it all fit together. I've sunk too much time into it to stop now, though. The World file is over 100 kilobytes. The recommended safe maximum is about 250KB. I really don't want to split this into two files, so this should be an effective hard limit on what I can put in. I'm going to try and get the game at least mostly laid out by the time I return to day shifts.

I plan to make heavy use of dark rooms for the central hub, and use the black torch/passage effect to highlight contours of what would otherwise be a completely grey screen except for the little torch-carrying player. The problem with dark rooms in ZZT is that torches only last for about 22 seconds, so even if you have a large supply, you have to keep pressing T to light them. So I want dark rooms to play a significant role, but not for the player to be stuck doing too many consecutive tasks at once in the dark.

Indicating all contours in dark rooms is also a potentially dangerous design choice, as it can lull the player into a false sense of security: they may delay lighting a torch because they can "see" the path ahead, even though they may be walking straight into a newly-spawned set of enemies. The solution is likely to make the paths a little more winding within the space between the contours. I'll have to do some tests.

slime-dinosaur's picture

Angela Merkel, elle est bien?

Game File: 

A breakout clone about the ambivalence of language~


"Ouvert" one said gesturing towards our bags. I was trying to somehow translate to the person next to me, although I'm not sure if I actually understood any more than they did. I told them to open their bag and then emptied my pockets into the metal tray. Just some sunglasses and my nokia phone. the person next to me had now opened their bag and was trying to empty it all over the desk. In at least two different languages we all tried to explain that there was no need to do so.

We then walked through the metal arch one after another.

I was already through trying to pack up my bag, when one guard turned to the person behind me, "passeports". "pardon?" they said. I explained that they should get their ID card out and we hurried over to the other side of the boom barrier.

They couldn't find us on the list. They looked it over twice or three times. We were just standing there for a long time. A bit worried. The others on the opposite side of the window frame. A bit confused. I'm not sure for whom it was more uncomfortable, us or the security guards. They didn't speak any english. I told them that we were from germany. One of them asked something back. Something about Angela Merkel? I think they just asked me if Angela Merkel was feeling well. "Quest-c'elle fait? Uhhhhh... Je ne... Je ne..."


Gameplay by slime, gfx by dinosaur. Based on the true story. And yes, this is my first clickteam fusion game.

Made For: 
An event
JonathanWhiting's picture

Glitched TANK

Game File: 

Yo dawg, I heard yaWGWGHAWEOGIFHAWEIUGFAHEFUWHU"H#235#23#5 FPS' so we put an FPS in your FPS so you canawfWFAWJFOIUAWHOUFIAWEGF AOINWfgwi 43y2p#95yrhalk.

Jonathan Whiting
Made For: 
An event

Adventures Of Free Fall Man


The Adventure of Free Fall Man

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
kirkjerk's picture

a new html5 audio wrapper, designed for games...

I'm releasing a new javascript library, geared at sounds for browser-based games:
http://lowlag.alienbill.com/ lowLag.js: responsive html5 audio

"a simple wrapper for low-latency, high-compatibility, html5-friendly audio"

Expect to see it in use in some trainwrecks!

Ball Buster

Game File: 

Ball Buster is a 64K intro using the ZZT engine that runs on MS-DOS PC, DOSBox or Zeta and was released in 2019 by Nanoco. It is based on the popular arcade games Breakout and Arkanoid. The total world and executable size is 65,536 bytes.

Made For: 
An event
Doctor Richard's picture

Booba game 2

image (1).png

Okay, not only did you delete my game, but you banned me for no reason.
Isn't this a place for freedom of creativity?
I didn't insult anyone or do anything. I just made my funny game and even stated in advance that the game was a joke.
You banned my friends first and then you just banned me without any warning or request to remove the game.
You have Kubus games in your collection, yet you ban users for just playing a joke game.
You hypocritical bastards.

Yes, there is nudity in this game, but this man is lying.
The ideas of the game itself are stupid random scrimmages with random sound to make people just have fun.

I'll attach a picture here from a user.
First of all, it's none of your business to watch other people's accounts.
Second, I didn't say such a thing. I'm okay with LGBT people and I have LGBT friends.
And I never said anything about the LGBT flag being unrealistic.
Third, it's not just fucking porn, the very idea of a screemer-seeker is dumb to just make people laugh when they click.
I didn't do it for the porn, I did it for the fun.

Made For: 
An event
wibi's picture

Property Damage

Screenshot 2022-03-15 034606.png

in this game, your objective is to cover all the targets, and then move onto the "goal" square. simple!

bert of wibi; fiend of wibi as honorary adding-himself-to-the-GT-credits-right-now executive advisor
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
SpindleyQ's picture

Hey, you can link to wiki pages in BBcode now.

So, I hacked the site to add internal wiki page linking to BBcode, and turned off that fucking irritating default-to-wiki-formatting hack that I'd put in originally. To link to a wiki page, just enclose the page name (with underscores instead of spaces) in double square brackets, like so:
[[I_Am_Sorry,_Bio-Zombie]] becomes I Am Sorry, Bio-Zombie
If, for some reason, you want to link to a wiki page with different text than its title, just leave a space after the page name and then write the text before you close the brackets, like so:
[[Klik_of_the_Month_Klub Kotmk]] becomes Kotmk
Pretty sweet, yes?

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