
slime-dinosaur's picture

Angela Merkel, elle est bien?


A breakout clone about the ambivalence of language~


"Ouvert" one said gesturing towards our bags. I was trying to somehow translate to the person next to me, although I'm not sure if I actually understood any more than they did. I told them to open their bag and then emptied my pockets into the metal tray. Just some sunglasses and my nokia phone. the person next to me had now opened their bag and was trying to empty it all over the desk. In at least two different languages we all tried to explain that there was no need to do so.

We then walked through the metal arch one after another.

I was already through trying to pack up my bag, when one guard turned to the person behind me, "passeports". "pardon?" they said. I explained that they should get their ID card out and we hurried over to the other side of the boom barrier.

They couldn't find us on the list. They looked it over twice or three times. We were just standing there for a long time. A bit worried. The others on the opposite side of the window frame. A bit confused. I'm not sure for whom it was more uncomfortable, us or the security guards. They didn't speak any english. I told them that we were from germany. One of them asked something back. Something about Angela Merkel? I think they just asked me if Angela Merkel was feeling well. "Quest-c'elle fait? Uhhhhh... Je ne... Je ne..."


Gameplay by slime, gfx by dinosaur. Based on the true story. And yes, this is my first clickteam fusion game.

Made For: 
An event

Ball Buster


Ball Buster is a 64K intro using the ZZT engine that runs on MS-DOS PC, DOSBox or Zeta and was released in 2019 by Nanoco. It is based on the popular arcade games Breakout and Arkanoid. The total world and executable size is 65,536 bytes.

Made For: 
An event
Johny L.'s picture

Taxi Breakout


Guide a taxi and use the small thing to break things.

Made For: 
An event
TheCube's picture

BREAKDOWN (or What Am I Supposed to Do With All These Bricks?)


a game about being awful at breakout

arrow keys to move
space resets the ball if it gets stuck

this was originally going to have music but i didn't like how it sounded. you can listen to it in the background though if you like.

(apparently I got featured on, wow. that's weird. you can follow me on twitter if you want (@virtualclint)

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Made For: 
An event
Sprocket's picture

The Wall (a game in therapy)


Breakout as a metaphor for therapy.

Play through over *5* different therapy sessions with unique clients and their medically fascinating problems. Uncover their traumas from breaking down the "wall" of repression, but make sure to listen to what they have to say, unless you dig a little too deep...

Based on a parodic therapy site I made in high school which was hacked and taken over by a minor religious fundamentalist and the times I feel fed up with therapy. The satirical aim is diffuse and muddled.

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Made For: 
An event

Reverse Breakout


Because it's a terrible, unplayable idea!

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Made For: 
An event

Brick Thief


Bricks in breakout games tend to look valuable, what with all the shininess and gold bricks? It's almost a crime to break them, so why not commit an actual crime and steal them before they are destroyed? Compete against the computer or a friend to see who can wrack up the most points.

P1 controls: Mouse controls hand, left click to pick up bricks. Drag bricks off the bottom of the screen without getting hit by the ball or paddle to score.
P2 controls: Keyboard, cursor keys to control paddle. Break bricks and keep the ball in play.

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Made For: 
An event
Svetlana's picture

Chocolate Trampoline Invaders


Aliens are attacking the Earth! The government has commissioned NASA to get rid of the invaders, having found out their only weakness is their diabetes. Sadly, with their limited budget, the best they could come up with was a huge ball of chocolate and a trampoline.

Use the mouse to control the trampoline, hold the left button to hold the ball down to release it higher.

Clear all aliens for an extra life!

(Made for the event but I missed the deadline on that since my ISP decided I probably didn't need an internet connection for the whole weekend)

Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture




Another breakanoid thing. This time it's a an adventure game! Explore the Metroid-like area with the help of frustrating RC controls, and luck!

Improvements I have in mind:

" Add ability to determine when ball is fired, and in what direction
" More rooms
" More interesting scenery

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture

Breakanoid Ball

Breakanoid Ball.png

Another one of my Breakanoid riffs. This time you are the ball! Steering by tapping the left and right keys, striking the bottom will lose you time.

I will probably do a more considered game with all these experiments when I'm finished.

Rylie James Thomas
Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
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