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The Autumn Unity Chain-Game

Fri, Sep 01 2017 01:42 PM
09/01/2017 - 13:42
12/15/2017 - 13:42

(Image background above from http://www.guoguiyan.com/autumn-wallpapers/68736309.html)

Howdy! Times are a changing and soon Autumn will be here. What better way to celebrate than to get some people together and make a big ol' chain game?

This jam thing is for Unity3D users, and if you're not used to Unity feel free to use pre-made assets and tools as necessary.

To do this jam, create a scene in Unity3D, package it as an Asset Pack, then upload it for use in the chain-game!

- Uploaded file needs to be an asset package file exported from Unity3D, including your scene as well as all of the assets being used in the game (so that way the scene will actually load properly with all of the parts it needs).
- The scene must have Autumn as a theme, you can try Holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving out, or just make a world entirely out of dead leaves, but it MUST have Autumn as it's central theme.
- Your scene can have any form of player control/mechanic as you please, but it does have to have some form of conclusion so the main compilation game can progress to the next creator's scene. If you make a scene that can be considered virtually endless (no goal/free roam), just add a way for the level to end (like placing a door sprite down somewhere or adding a clickable button). Don't worry about actually managing these scene transitions, I'll take care of that for you if you tell me at what point the scene should change in your level.

If you're new to unity or want some free stuff to help you out, you can find resources down below:

(Various links given by GT members, thanks folks!)



Scripting (Thanks for these links BlueBerry Soft!):

FPS Player Controllers:

Visual Assets:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qlifa35xlwejsto/mno%27s%20texture%20pack%20%231.zip?dl=0 (From Nikki, thanks!)

Games made for The Autumn Unity Chain-Game

Super Swarm Chat


The art of conversation

Made For: 
clyde's picture

Mr.Petes is lost! (for hugs)

Game File (Linux): 
Game File: 

Move the paddles with arrow-keys or 'A' and 'D'.
'Space' adds upward force to the ball.
Alt+F4 to quit.

If your framerate makes it impossible to beat the first level, then contact @MoreRalphGames on Twitter for troubleshooting. Sorry about that, I made this on a beefy computer and didn't realize that this was a problem and optimization is out of the question at this point.

One option is to lower the graphics settings and/or resolution in the Unity opening dialogue. That should help a lot.

Made for hugs during the 2017 Sekret Santa Klikmas event.
I super enjoyed researching and being inspired by items on the list hugs provided:
mods for old games, games made with old tools, hackable games, vertex colours, blurry n64 textures, crimes, františek kobliha, peter tscherkassky, stenberg brothers, second person perspective, file_id.diz, unrealised futures, bootleg indonesian GTA, virtual machine, resolution mismatch, on which page of the manual does this appear?, fog, steve moraff, lyle in cube sector, out of memory, cracktros, keygens, good for screenshots, big money, big prizes, 4d sports tennis, australian christmas, have fun

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
ExciteMike's picture

Bad Bike Ride

Game File: 

No win state. No fail state. You can keep on keeping on or you can stop.

I went to a funeral today.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
kirkjerk's picture

kirk "kirkjerk" kisrael

kirkjerk: programmer of boring business software by day. maker of totally rhinoceros trainwrecks, also by day.

usually codes in java processing.

his production company, http://alienbill.com/ explains his running eyeball avatar.

see also: http://kirkjerk.com/

he is not actually a jerk.

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
Man Of Doom's picture

Cosmic Fist

Game File: 

Flying through space with your giant fist, can you punch out all the starfish, robots and octopuses who fly right at you!?

Man of Doom
Made For: 
An event
Pizza Time's picture


Maybe you've read about Söldner before, on a forum somewhere or in a review or that bit on Eurogamer. Well now it's free and you can play it and it's wonderful. Skip the multiplayer and jump right into the training missions where the magic happens, all the stories about dodgy AI are true though I've yet to start spawning vehicles on top of each other which I've heard is another great source of entertainment. And that delivery of the game's title when you first get to the menu.

But the real kicker is that there truly is an excellent game in there. I've yet to try the multi-player aspect but even under the wonkiness of single player it shines through. I haven't been able to get anything done the past day and it's even managed to distract me from Deus Ex which takes some doing. The download is only under just under five hundred megabytes which is just small enough to take a punt on. Here's some more convincing, as if you needed it.

sergiocornaga's picture


Game File: 

This game is controlled by moving the mouse and clicking the left mouse button.

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event

Be a table

Game File: 

Are you table enough of a table to be a table?

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
sergiocornaga's picture

Letter Killah

Game File: 

Like my last one, this game can be solved by random button mashing... maybe.

Please leave a comment if this confuses the hell out of you. Or if it doesn't!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
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