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The 529 in 1 Klik and Play Pirate Kart Part II: Klik Harder

pkart3 Mosaic05.jpg

48 hours.

102 people.

529 games.

The definitive collection that was five months in the making is finally here.

Download the 529-in-1 Klik & Play Pirate Kart II: Klik Harder now! (BitTorrent, 450mb)

Troubleshooting FAQ

  1. Bad Pirate won't run!
    Yes, sorry, the zip that Dock uploaded doesn't have all the data to run it, and I didn't catch this before release. You can play Bad Pirate online in your browser here.
  2. Collect the Umbrellas won't run!
    This can be fixed by replacing "kartconfig.lua" in your Kart directory with this version.
  3. No Klik & Play games will run! I get some error about not being able to run a 16-bit program or something.
    If you are using a 64-bit computer, which is fairly likely these days, Klik & Play games may not work directly. See our page about running Klik & Play games on 64-bit computers for help.
  4. Some Klik & Play games won't run, but others will!
    It's been reported that some games refuse to run in 16-bit colour mode. Try switching to 32-bit colour.


Game File: 

A clone of the gravitron, but as an NES rom, featuring multiplayer chaos! (up to 4 players simultaneously using the NES 4-score or NES Satellite)

Made For: 
An event
LFF's picture


I make games from scratch. Or should I say...with Scratch? ahahah

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2


Game File: 

A quick and grimy Twine game, possibly inspired by Stygia, Graveyard Quest, Frankenstein's Helper and other classic dig-em-ups.

New version 29/4/13

Event Created For: 
Made For: 
An event
Blueberry Soft's picture

WOO WOO WOO Let's Make Webpages ! ! !

Sun, Nov 24 2019 05:00 PM
11/25/2019 - 10:00
12/01/2019 - 22:00

MOST WEB-PAGES SUCCCCCCK !!! let's make a bunch of good ones !!!

I propose we spend a weekend having fun with HTML and CSS, making little websites about whatever we want.

I'd also like to connect them together somehow. Either host them all in one place--like a gallery of pages. Or make something like a webring to conect them together in a chain.

NB: The date has change to avoid clashing with the Potluck Party event!

What to put on webpage ???

Make a page for:

  • all the pets you've had
  • trees near your house
  • a GT game you like
  • a zine
  • to show-off your games
  • weird effects you figured out how to do with CSS
  • politicians you hate
  • a hypertext/media, Twine-like story thing

How to make webpage ???

All you need is:

  • A text editor to write the stuff.
  • A web browser to test it out.

If you don't want to write it by hand there are free WYSIWYG editors (Blue Griffon is the first that comes to mind), and you can (usually) even use whatever word processor you have installed.


There are a gazillion tutorials online, but please suggest good ones in the comments.

I'll come hang out in the discord during the event to answer questions too :)

Where to put my web page ???

Neocities! It's free! -> https://neocities.org/

Feel free to suggest similar free places in the comments :)

You may like to break the rules, some suggestions are:

  • Make a Gopher Hole instead
  • Start some other kind of Internet-based thing
  • Make a fancy TXT file and stick that up somewhere
  • VRML???
  • Destroy Facebook

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Games made for WOO WOO WOO Let's Make Webpages ! ! !

TheCakeFlavor's picture

You can only cry 80 times


this is a "parody" of https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/11049

play the game that inspired this game: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/11049

play a game that is superior to this game: https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/11049

this game may take longer to download than it takes to play, depending on how fast you can click and download.

You can run the exe if you're a windows
you can install a java complier otherwise
the source is included. read my code at your own risk, this was written in like an hour.

oh yeah make sure to extact it all first

Made For: 
Zecks's picture

aww shits

anyone mind giving me some corrupted klik salvaging 101?

its only one and-a-half battles that weren't really too good but still.

gonna backup more now, but if this keeps coming up i dunno what my productivity will say

jacklehamster's picture

How it is like to work on Dobuki's Epic Journey

Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 7.59.51 PM.png

I'm currently trying to finish this damn game I started 2 years ago. This is a project that turned out to be way to ambitious for its own good. My goal was to make an RPG with an adventure point-and-click type of gameplay. The problem is that it needs lots of content, so I've been pretty much puking out pure random content out of nothing.
While the game actually has some story, my development process is pretty much: Ok, I need to fill this area with content. Let's just add a random monster or NPC, give it some silly lines of dialog and make it return some random object, which I'll figure out what to do with later.
This is a pretty unique project in the sense that there's no plan on how it's being produced. It's like when you go explore the city with no guide, no idea where you're going to end up.

Rec me rpg twines?

Or any twine, really, that makes use of a menu-type-function/a page where you can view your stats!

FlaviusMaximus's picture

Yellow Jogger Goes Basketball


Battle for your soul in this ultimate basketball championship. Help Yellow Jogger to defeat the evil, THE DREADFUL, THE MALEFIC BLACK RUNNER AND HIS BASKETBALL TYRANNY FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! also, to steal the ball, the trick is to stay on his shadow and SPAM THE SHIFT BUTTON, and throw the ball with the same button. GOOD LUCK AND GOOD MORNING

Made For: 
An event
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