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mkapolk's picture

Tummy Jigglers

Game File: 

here is an art game about tummies i love you

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Make a Twine Game in 40 Minutes


Make a Twine Game in 40 Minutes: An intense aesthetic design select-em-up, now available!

*Mouse's underside: roll it around a flat surface to control the on-screen arrow.
*Mouse's left pressure plate: deploy a C.L.I.C.K charge, used to activate the ancient Hyper-Link artifacts that you may encounter on your quest.

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An event

Day at the Beach

Game File: 

A Day at the Beach
Game by PsySal (psysal@gmail.com) - www.kittylambda.com
Made on Feb 28, 2010 for the KLIK HARDER PIRATE KART II


You play this game in NOTEPAD.EXE or similar text editor. It's like a choose-your-own
adventure story.

Sometimes, you'll be told to "go to [N]" where N is a number. You can get there by
hitting CTRL+F (for find) and entering in [N]. Easy!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
alfredofreak's picture


Game File (Linux): 
Game File (Mac): 

Created September 30th 2017 for the REDPRISON event. Made using Vertex Meadow.

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An event
krisekrise's picture

Deserting the Army cause your shoes don't fit right and you're actually a frog in disguise

Game File: 



It is day 5 of your march towards an uncertain future. Your shiny new pair of leather boots has grown old and bitter. It may be durable but it was clearly not designed for your soft and shiny feet.

You must secretly fall behind the others, leave the troops, sell your boots and start a new life somewhere in the marshlands...



WASD or Arrow Keys to move, dont touch your fellow soldiers or the general will see right through your plans!



drum sound by robertmcdonald on freesound.org:

GameOver and Winning Screen and title by pferd-am-herd:

Made For: 
An event

Fred the killer unicorn

Game File: 

2D platform runner.
Play as Fred the killer unicorn as he smashes his way through his enemies.

-Unique art.
-Over 27 randomly generated levels.
-Boss battles.
-2 different gameplay modes.
-Awesome unicorn carnage.

Blue Tarp Games
Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
avery's picture

monologue 2 (monologue 1 is forever lost in the sands of time)

So there’s been some interesting things going on in GT recently. There’s been a good handful of new people, most of which have already submitted some interesting games. It’s quite a nice thing to see GT look really alive and popular but then again it’s sort of disheartening when you realize that its mainly just the new users that are submitting things for the most part. As well as the new users we also have a lovely new influx of spambots coming in, with some interesting messages. (SpamJam The Secondth time methinks...)

I think the one user that’s been the most interesting so far has to be DrBlowhole20. They’ve recently submitted The Super Mozart Adventure Game which is possibly the longest game that’s ever been uploaded here (then again, I don’t know.) And already, just a few days later, They’re making a bunch of blog posts about the sequel, sharing details about what’s gonna be in it and such. While they aren’t doing that, he’s cooking up an idea for a sister site to GT, called Glorious Planewrecks. According to DB20, it’s meant as a site for music, sprites and other misc. game things like that. I’m personally against the idea of it really, as it just seems like it’d be a waste of money more than anything because of the existence of places like OpenGameArt.

They’ve also created a couple of events on the site, one being a collaborative one and the other just being a kind of generic one. The collaborative event relates to a new game they seem to be working on, entitled “The Player Aventur”. The base idea for it is that everyone submits a level of sorts for it and then they compile them all together. The main rule being that you have to use a specific character as the PC. The other (to be truthful, restrictive) rule is that it has to be made in a Clickteam product. Primarily so DB can actually shove all the levels together in one big game. I’m not entirely too sure about the user base of this site but I’m pretty sure that a good chunk have moved on from Clickteam things, or they’re migrating to something else. Even so, it seems like a neat thing and I wish them the best of luck with it all.

The other event is another “Video Game Generator” type event, but this time the one he posted with was actually with a different generator. I honestly have not seen this one before so it seems pretty interesting. As well as those two events, we have the upcoming KOTM, where we’ll hopefully see a new game from good ol’ sergiocornaga.

Back to the interesting games that I mentioned earlier – Reha Soft, a new fellow to join up. They’ve pretty much submitted their entire Clickteam game catalogue, including stuff they made when they were young. I’ve only played one of the quadrazillion games they’ve uploaded, Zombie Town. It’s a simple little game where you control a man with the mouse, and “killing” all the zombies by putting t he man over the zombies. Level 2 mixes it up a bit by making you not touch the zombies. The problem is that you can literally just go up to the top of the screen and win easily. It’s only about four levels long and ridiculously simple and easy, yet, in true kid fashion, it was apparently made by a “company” and they asked for a donation for it if they liked it due to the fact that it supposedly took a long time to make. Bless. Oh, and before you go off to try it out, be warned that it’s packaged in a KNP Installer.

So yeah, everything in GT is going pretty nicely at the moment. It’s pretty active, thanks to the sudden influx of new users (where the heck did you guys come from anyway). I’d also like to bring up an idea that I had a little while back, GTVP. It’s slowly getting more and more unrealistic by the second, so I’m just thinking – if we’re gonna do it, we better do it now.

In other news, I’m currently (half sort of) working with mno on a new game. It’s totes gonna blow your mind (maybe). As well as that I’m looking into learning DarkBasic Pro cos that seems pretty damn neat (I’m annoyed by the lack of offline tutorials though). Well, considering I’ve pretty much covered everything that I’ve wanted to cover, I think that just about wraps it all up.

I’ll leave you with one word of advice: If I tell you that I might/will submit something to your event, don’t hold me to that.

Oh balls, that was more than one word.

.KKliker's picture

Quiz attack 5000!

Game File: 

Challenge the world's best tae-kwon-do fighters in this revolutionary action-strategy game! Over 10 hours in development, this is one experience you won't want to miss!

Made For: 
Pirate Kart 2
FlaviusMaximus's picture

Barrels 'o Doom (Doom WAD)

Game File: 

I feel weird for having to revive this event, but I think it's the most appropriate place to post a Doom WAD. Inspired by Doom II's map23: Barrels 'o Fun, this is my map01's replacement: Barrels 'o Doom. The architeture itself isn't that beautiful, but it has lots and lots and lots and lots and lots 'o barrels. Try playing this with Brutal Doom for maximum fun if your machine is capable of handling all the fuzz.

Also, I made a tiny little MIDI track to fit the map's mood: CHAOS and destruction.

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An event
CharlieVermin's picture

Never Be Here: The TEASER


This is a little piece of a game that I'm not going to release anytime soon.
While I removed a large amount of content, there's also content that I simply blocked off.
In the Teaser, you will walk through some of the maps and be snatched off them just as it gets interesting.
You will be able to see some inaccessible parts behind walls which I think is really cool.
There is also commentary.
You will also get a Debug Device (you will need to find out which key activates it) that makes it possible to access all the teaser's content without having to modify the game.
You can see the items you collected by selecting Itembook from the escape menu. You can acquire the Item Guidebook by noclipping and talking to a glitched guy in the southeast corner of the map with the Mario trivia graphic, or by manually turning off the boolean ("Switch") #33. Both actions require Debug Device.

The game itself is mostly a walking simulator in the form you will see it, but you will also have a challenge section and you can even die.

I hope I'll get you hyped with my eloquence and architecture.

(This game requires no RTP, but it doesn't have the whole thing merged with the game either. Isn't that great.)

Made For: 
An event
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