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spiral's picture


Image 2015-07-18 at 7.55.31 PM.png
Game File: 

Click on colours in the foreground.

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quasiotter's picture

a platformer but u can only play with your heart ♥

Game File: 

a platformer but u can only play with your heart ♥

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World's Strongest Hamster in The Underground Empire


A game made for DungeonJAM 2019 on itch

Psycho Gopher Rage
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NatQuayleNelson's picture

Stream of Pretentiousness Season 2


Hey all! In the last few weeks I've revived a project I was posting about here a year ago:
Stream of Pretentiousness

It's daily vignettes about my life (interactive non-fiction, if you will). I'm calling this Season 2 because last year I was making them in Twine, and this time I'm experimenting with other open-source engines for making hypertext stories. So yeah!

scab simulator 4


another one, another one

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Pizza Time's picture

I will do game (Super Bros)

I totally intend to do a belated GT 2nd birthday game because I didn't have any ideas for games to post on the day. It will be a platformer because hey, platformers are the genre that you can ruin the quickest in TGF.

Watch this space.

Perrin's picture


Game File: 

You're in a swimming pool, naked, swinging around on some rope, trying to escape police officers who aren't keen on the whole situation.

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zum's picture

This is the place where I bitch about the site.

So I've never really brought this up because I don't want to gripe about something that I'm not actively offering to help change, but maybe if I put this on the table we can talk about it and go from there. I have issues with the way Glorious Trainwrecks is laid out; my two major problems -- though they're not mutually exclusive -- are with the hierarchization and accessibility of information, and the visibility of new or dynamic content.

Visitors to the front page don't see a whole lot of activity going on -- they're presented with a big ol' jpeg of a trainwreck that was pulled from wikipedia and an (awesome) mission statement/call-to-arms, neither of which have basically changed since the site's creation. They're also shown a mess of links along the sidebar by which they can access the bulk of the site. (Some of these links are mostly rendundant: "Forums" shows -- and it's the only place that shows -- the one- or two-line descriptions of each of the four forums, but they're each directly accessible in the sidebar; "Wiki" also provides short descriptions of its sidebar sub-links, though the page has a link missing from the sidebar and the sidebar has a link missing from the page; etc.) Finally, tucked in the lower-left corner, they see the only variable content: a table of upcoming events (there's generally just one, of course) and a list of users currently online.

I wouldn't exactly say that it's uninviting. But it doesn't do visitors (and especially returning visitors) any favours in terms of letting them get at games we've made or presenting them with interesting recent happenings on the site. I think it might be more interesting and engaging to devote frontpage space to new developments, and perhaps a rotating or randomized spotlight on less-recent games that we think are still worthy of attention. Breathtaking Triumphs has already been established for essentially the same purpose -- except that, by virtue of being just another link in the sidebar, it hasn't given these games much greater visibility. The frontpage manifesto is important, since it conveys where we're coming from and what we're about. I'm just not sure it needs to be the first thing people see, especially now that we're established and have been around for a little while. Maybe there could be a prominent, attention-getting "HEY YOU! MAKE GAMES!" button that leads to a page containing it, plus ways to get involved with the site.

Let's go back to the sidebar for a second. There's a lot of stuff there, even for users who aren't logged in. It's not atrociously confusing or unintuitive, but I think it makes the site a bit more difficult to navigate and explore than it needs to be. It might sound a bit trifling, but it is the primary way to get at the meat of the site. It's less of an issue for regulars who mainly use the RSS feed or Recent changes page. Again, though, it's not doing visitors any favours. Aside from the little redundant bits I mentioned, there's also a few items that don't need to be there at all ("Search," for example, when there's a search bar right below it. Provides access to an advanced search, yes, but that should just be accessible under the search bar itself.) and the remaining items could be grouped and arranged a little better to emphasize frequently-used functions.

There are a few other things I could go on about, but I'll stop there. I'm not even sure how easy Drupal layouts are to tweak, and I don't want to sound like an absolute wankhat bitching about difficult-to-change peculiarities of the system or something. (Too late?) In any event, I just think that we have excellent things going on here, and I don't want them to be harder to get at than they need to be thanks to difficult site design.

Super Vadimka VII: The Nightmares of The Current Continue


Super Vadimka VII: The Nightmares of The Current Continue is the final game of the original "Super Vadimka" series about the adventures of a boy. The ballcaster game was developed by VadimBallzGame..
The story tells how, after the events of the sixth part, Dr. Kulik resurrected from the dead and gathered villains from other universes, such as the legendary Super Vadimka or Dio Brando. Now Super Vadimka must stop Dr. Kulik once and for all.
The gameplay of the game follows the previous parts, but the graphics have become 3D and look more beautiful.

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