
ihavefivehat's picture

Skate8 (For Stranger)


"I would like to be able to deface things. Either with spray paint, or stickos, replacing props with my own, or some other way to fuck shit up and make things dope. I also like to go fast and jump far."

Sorry it's late.

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elib's picture

Satellite Destroyer


<3 <3 <3 ~~~~~ HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, ANDI ~~~~~ <3 <3 <3
This is almost related to the jam subject you chose.

Crappy game where you can destroy satellites.
Uses real satellite data from NASA's RTTM
(Probably extremely inaccurately projected to flat coordinates.)
If you run the program too many times you will be throttled by NASA's servers. Just wait a few minutes and try again

It takes a long time to load -- it's loading "real time" data from the past 8 hours.

Also -- it will probably crash if you leave it on too long. This is by design. This is caused by the game running out of data points.

Really, really sorry for the awful platform (XNA). It is really the worst when it comes to compatibility. I know most of you won't even install it. (You're not missing much.)

YOU CAN SEE THE SOURCE and compile if you want, but why would you:

All images ripped from all over the place, including NASA.

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squidlarkin's picture

Super Duper Thwackswinger (IGF Edition)


Thwackswinger lives!

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squidlarkin's picture



Once again, a cyan square must defeat some red circles. Arrow keys to move, Z to launch a grappling hook. Smash them into each other! Be attitude for gains!

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