
« Sunday July 21, 2013 »
Start: 1:00 am
End: 1:00 pm

This is my first event i made, it is gonna be about a important element where you attack each other: Battles.
Make a game which you can fight each other until you get to fight a final boss which is powerful, great and eviler.
You have 10 days before this event will end.

Start: 1:00 am
End: 11:00 pm

Ok so the backstory is that at my workplace we got this rubics cube with a hole in it and whoever had it on it's desk all quit the company so far, and now we are convinced it has evil powers and whatnot
and this remembered me of the whole SCP foundation thing, and urban legends in general and whatever

so the idea is:
come up with an artifact that affects things around it somehow or use the idea of an existing one whatever and make a game about it

(or just make a game about hobos stealing ice cream, i don't really care )

- as people are busy and everything: mockups are also accepted (aka just screenshot without game)
- just ideas of artifacts also ok
- special rule for twine games (you need to use the word 'sausage' in it if you do one -- extra points for using 'bellydance inspector' in context )
- special rule for knp games (you need to hide a dinosaur somewhere -- or not)
- overshoes

Start: 12:10 pm
End: 12:10 pm

This event is all about making games in any Clickteam product! Anything goes!

You can use Klik N Play, Games Factory 1 & 2, Click and Create, Multimedia Fusion 1 & 2, anything related to Clickteam.

You could use KNP 2 too, but it hasn't been released yet (or so I think)

So go make games!

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