
« Friday February 12, 2016 »
Start: 11:26 am
End: 10:43 am

ZZTV is a community project started by Dark FLR in 1998. ZZTers can create and contribute channels, which are small ZZT worlds that can contain any kind of content the author wishes: previews of upcoming games, artwork, minigames, stories, etc... These channels are traditionally given names that begin with the "#" symbol (e.g., "#bakedcheese"). All of the channels are sent to the person in charge of ZZTV; the project leader is then responsible for compiling the contributions into a series of volumes and releasing them to the public. ZZTVs are done at the rate of about one per year. Each ZZTV is numbered; for example, the current ZZTV-in-progress is ZZTV11. The person in charge of ZZTV changes fairly frequently; Zenith owned the project between issues 4-7 before passing the mantle on, with the more recent project leaders being MadTom, Commodore, and now bitbot.

Game link:
Video link:

Start: 12:33 pm
End: 12:33 pm

Hello friends!!

It's the second Klik & Play marathon! Two years of bringing out your old computers (or DOSBoxes or VM's) to make some games in Klik & Play. This marathon's going to be compiled in an unofficial Pirate Kart and put up on my website!

Two rules.
One: Anything goes.
Two: don't use exports like Multimedia Fusion, keep the games in the native KnP format!

Reha Soft

PS: I'm gonna try to make games on the Thanksgiving weekend. :D

Start: 12:00 am
End: 11:59 pm

NOTE: Thank you for your contributions...! I will have a video review about everything in here posted sometime after this weekend.

Where are you right now?

Make a game that answers that question. The game will communicate a specific place and time. That time is 2016.

It can be autobiographical, completely fictional, or some magical combination of the two. It can be where you are, it can be a different part of the world. It can be the entire world. It can be all people. It can be one thing. Your interpretation can be completely flexible, but keep the question in mind as you create the game.

Submit your game whenever. This event will be closed on 17th February: the day before my birthday. :D I will play all submitted games, and if I can figure out a way to do videos of them, I'll do some quick video reviews for each submission.

Attached are pictures that showed up in an image search when I typed in the question: "how's it goin?"

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