
« Wednesday November 20, 2019 »
Start: 12:01 am
End: 11:59 pm

Belly up, game-makers! It's time for a massive POTLUCK PARTY! It's a bevy of bite-size samples and eclectic dishes, with the expectation that there will be enough for everyone. Bring a little something to share with everyone else. We're catering to all tastes, all dietary restrictions, all flavors and palettes.

Make a video game, make a side dish, make a digital toy, make an entree, make a snippet of music, make a pie, make a flatgame, make a dessert, make a downloadable PDF-zine... You get the idea. Everyone has a seat at the table and all ability levels are welcome. Standard content rules apply. In the words of SpindleyQ: "Glorious Trainwrecks has always been about being a comfortable place where people are kind to each other."

Folks, we have ONE WEEK OR SO to make it happen. We'll feast on the contributions (and of course will be sure to leave appreciative comments and critique) once the buffet is full.


...or THIS:

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