Revision of Punch Elon Musk In His Disgusting Fucking Face from Tue, 11/22/2022 - 12:01

Kate B's picture

punch elon musk in his disgusting fucking face

If you look carefully you can detect some subtle political messaging in this game.

I am currently suspended from twitter, which is a lawless, ugly, and revolting place that allows terrorism to fester. twitter is shit. it's always been shit, and musk has only made it worse. twitter is directly responsible for the Q Nightclub shooting on 20/11/22. It has allowed an anti-trans, anti-gay moral panic to grow out of control. It has invited back the terrorist president of the United States who deserves to be gone forever. His jokes are shit. I despise him. for all his talk of free speech, he has "censored" me for telling him he's shit to his face. All the while, these terrorists remain on the platform. fuck you, elon!

"Why I told Elon Musk to die":
Eulogy for Twitter:

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