KOTM May Game

Terry's picture
Game File: 

My real KOTM game wasn't working out, so I decided to do some fucking about in Unity instead. Totally incomplete.


Event Created For: 
Made For: 
Klik of the Month Klub #33 (Mar 2010)


increpare's picture



HybridMind's picture


love the way the red html bg obscures/blends with the vertical walls creating a neat exploration/hide effect on finding the path.

agj's picture

Really like the way this

Really like the way this fucks with perception, in not being able to always identify what is a wall, etc.

atuun's picture

Yeah, this is really neat.

Yeah, this is really neat. I've never seen something that uses its own webpage as an extension of the game.

dessgeega's picture

fall, it just becomes a

fall, it just becomes a blank red page

Terry's picture

Decided to do a little more

Decided to do a little more work on this, so I expanded the model to allow you to fully explore it, and added some nice background music:


Danni's picture

While you're making

While you're making modifications, would you mind allowing full mouselook (that is, being able to look a full 90 degrees down)? The way it is now, it's kinda difficult jumping along small platforms without moving sideways.

Terry's picture

I'll look into it! (I'm just

I'll look into it! (I'm just using the default Unity FPSWalker scripts at the moment)