Vector's Chaotix

juliette's picture
Game File: 

Official sequel to hit video game "Knuckle's Chaotix" featuring VE vVector the Crocodile
-8 intriguing and action-packed levels
-Realistic physics model
-Intricate scoring system
-Breathtaking Sega graphics
Use your physics powers to whip enemies into submission
It is Vector's Chaotix.

Made For: 
An event


anne laplantine's picture

to me personally it is a bit

to me personally it is a bit difficult to play. And a friend of mine called Benjamin said the same. I hope people manage to see the end.

juliette's picture

anyone having trouble can

anyone having trouble can use this secret cheat code: at any point in the game press V and C at the same time and you'll only get 1/5 damage from the badnicks

anne laplantine's picture

it's a very good game also

it's a very good game also

PressStart's picture

This is a great game, mostly

This is a great game, mostly because of the physics and rainbow wire.

SpindleyQ's picture

Wow, this was really

Wow, this was really compelling. Quite enjoyed it. Got 441882 points in the end.