Adventure Series: Building Your Personal Brand

hugs's picture

Made For: 
An event


Son of a dolphin's picture

I really love the idea and

I really love the idea and pacing of this

2sman's picture

i like these. what engine

i like these. what engine are you using?

hugs's picture

i used for these, if

i used for these, if that's what you mean by engine (also thanks!!)

Interesting narrative with

Interesting narrative with this one and an excellent punchline, and I'm happy I was able to follow it through to the end. Reminds me a lot of my non-profit day job.

Son of a dolphin's picture

i remembered about this just

i remembered about this just now but i forgot the punchline. it feels strange now looking through the little blurbs, having worked full-time for a few years and slowly stagnating in every way.
