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Wrath Of The Serpent

Game File (Mac): 


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ndrake's picture

Chopper Pilot

Game File: 

Now you can pilot one of the most famous helicopters in video game history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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An event
gisbrecht's picture

skeleton pinball

880 skeletorn.png

ahh its a skeleton

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zum's picture

Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #8

Sat, Jun 19 2010 09:00 AM
06/19/2010 - 16:00
06/19/2010 - 18:00

Is the regular Klik of the Month Klub at an absurdly inconvenient time? Then try the Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball! (Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball is open to all genders and time zones.) The Ball takes place at 4PM GMT -- check that link to see what time that falls on for you.

The rules are the same: You get two hours to make a game in Klik & Play. If Klik & Play is a hindrance rather than a boon to your creativity, feel free to dump it for the game creation tool of your choice. If you're new to Klik & Play, check out our Learning KNP FAQ.

It's no fun making games by yourself in a vacuum, so make sure to stop by IRC. Our server is irc.freenode.net, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks.

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.

Sign up below if you'd like to be reminded the day before the ball!

Games made for Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #8

sergiocornaga's picture

Another Knytt Stories Collaboration Level

Tue, Aug 15 2017 06:00 PM
08/16/2017 - 01:00
02/28/2018 - 23:00

August 27th was Knytt Stories' 10th birthday! To celebrate, let's make a collaborative level for this "epic" level competition hosted by Fubaka, which has a final due date of February 28th 2018. The main requirement for this competition is that levels have at least 300 unique screens, which we've already exceeded. Huzzah!

We'll be using The Cursed Gallery as a framing device. Basically, Juni encounters a gallery filled with paintings of different participants' sections, and can travel inside them. Each section can be self-contained in terms of powers, but it will be cool to link all the different sections more directly once the level starts coming together! Vegetal Gibber has already designed a beautiful main hub area that's just waiting to be populated with portals!

The level will require Knytt Stories +, so participants should feel free to go wild with KS+ stuff if they want. In particular, we are hiding KS+ artifact collectibles in hard-to-reach areas for a currently undetermined purpose. You can keep track of that using this handy spreadsheet (and leave little notes to other participants if you want)!

Some discussion is going down in the #hot-jamz channel of the altgamez Discord server, so drop by there if you want to stay totally in the loop! I get the impression the most pertinent stuff has appeared in the comments of this very page, but perhaps that could change.

So, comment or "sign up" if you're interested in participating, or even just make something, upload it, and hope for the best! Feel free to ask questions (but given the loose, last-minute nature of this event you could also feel free to provide your own answers).

Games made for Another Knytt Stories Collaboration Level


Game File: 

As a Kim Jong Il body double in a permanent kneel and flex it is your duty to destroy the alien invaders. DON'T SCREW IT UP.

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Pirate Kart 2
FlaviusMaximus's picture

Bad Moon

Game File: 

You play as Ednarg, the Bad Moon. Smash innocent people to make juice out of them. remember, only the ultra-high speed can kill the resistent Yellow and Black Joggers. Beware of cops! They don't like assassins, especially moons!

EDIT: Also, contains BLOOOOOOOD

Made For: 
An event
NiallM's picture

Step Sequencer Shmup


Shoot enemies to make music.

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An event

Wolfeinstein 3D


So i'm too lazy to bother with making games for the original,
and i rather just attempted to remake the whole thing in flash with hardware rendering and whatnot,
but i was too lazy to make 3D models for the nazis (let alone animate anything)
so there you have it
(also i couldn't bother to make levels: they are all random generated)

Update: lot of graphic fixes, some gameplay fixes

Made For: 
An event
Healy's picture

Christmas in June-ly: A (failed) Gravity Falls game

gravi_falls_canned story map.png

Happy Soos's birthday, everybody! To celebrate, have this, an unfinished Gravity Falls twine game I started for Yuletide one year. It's about Stan and Mabel and Dipper and their crummy made-up holiday. It's an unfinished piece of junk, but I decided to upload it anyway because, well, because...

Emily Short hosted a game jam recently called Bring Out Your Dead, where you uploaded long-dead WIPs and experiments in the hopes that someone else could learn from them. The concept really interested me, and since this was the most well-formed WIP I had that I'd likely never finish, I figured it wouldn't hurt to try something out with it. I took the old, unfinished game and added some commentary to it, usually to point out its flaws, but sometimes to discuss Gravity Falls for a bit (or point out a line I liked). It's a very short game, and probably would have been even if it were completed; I only completed one ending, and the other two branches cut off suddenly. Still, I hope you get something out of it, even if it's just "Don't do what I did here, kids."

(Sergio, my man: I have gotten your message, and while I haven't worked on my Knytt Swap lately, I'll probably block out some time for it next weekend. For reasons.)

gravi_falls_canned.html96.12 KB
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