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Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #6

Sun, Apr 18 2010 09:00 AM
04/18/2010 - 16:00
04/18/2010 - 18:00

Is the regular Klik of the Month Klub at an absurdly inconvenient time? Then try the Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball! (Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball is open to all genders and time zones.) The Ball takes place at 4PM GMT -- check that link to see what time that falls on for you.

The rules are the same: You get two hours to make a game in Klik & Play. If Klik & Play is a hindrance rather than a boon to your creativity, feel free to dump it for the game creation tool of your choice. If you're new to Klik & Play, check out our Learning KNP FAQ.

It's no fun making games by yourself in a vacuum, so make sure to stop by IRC. Our server is irc.freenode.net, and our channel is #glorioustrainwrecks.

After you've made your game, you should upload it here!

For more information, check out the N00B FAQ.

Sign up below to be reminded the day before the ball!

Games made for Ladies' Auxiliary Klik of the Month Ball #6

Twine: loading jQuery without editing the HTML

Update: Twine 1.4 now lets you load jQuery via a StorySettings option, so this page is no longer necessary.

You can load jQuery into your Twine game via Google Hosted Libraries using this simple script code:

Obsolete script removed: use Twine 1.4

Change whatever you want the function passed to ready() to do.
* Since Twine's engine uses '$' for something, jQuery must sadly relinquish that convenient abbreviation.
* Due to a minor bug, Twine's runtime currently doesn't work at all in IE 8 or below, so there's not much reason to use jQuery 1.9 over 2.0
* Using Google Hosted Libraries of course means that people can't play your game without a live internet connection - which, in the extremely rare chance you intend your Twine game to be available offline, should be borne in mind. Nevertheless, it can be more convenient for you, the author, due to not having to provide the jQuery file yourself.
Feel free to report any bugs to @webbedspace.

Rob's Boss Fights

Game File: 

A boss rush game, control rob as he fights the different Dreamworld bosses and try to obtain the highest score you can!

For more of Rob's adventures and quality content, go to:

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Noyb's picture

Let's Play Logical Journey of the Zoombinis

So, a few months ago I woke up in the middle of the night struck with a flash of inspiration. I booted up my laptop, created a new text file "gametitles.txt" and went back to sleep. In the morning, I opened the text file. There was a single entry: "The Illogical Journey of the Zambonis." I want to make this title into an actual trainwreck sometime in the future. A takeoff on The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, except all of the logic puzzles are actually independent random events with no logical connections between moves.

It's been ages since I've played The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, a kid's game based around teaching logic through colorful graphics and wacky characters. Most of the levels involve providing and input (mainly by choosing a zoombini and a path/bucket, where each Zoombini could have one of many different possible appearances that may or may not be important to the level), observing what happens, and intuiting the rules underlying that level's system.

The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis isn't a trainwreck. What is a trainwreck is some kid's Let's Play of The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis. The only one I found when searching youtube for '"Let's Play" Zoombinis' when trying to refresh my hazy memory of this game.

I'm having trouble mentally articulating what I find so special about this Let's Play, but here goes. This is totally something I would have done had I access to a camera and YouTube when I was younger. He's a kid just trying to amuse himself, but brave enough to share it with the world. He's a kid who doesn't actually seem to enjoy the game, but soldiers on regardless, echoing all those times in my childhood where I would play what I had and try to make the best of it. He's a kid who makes the same lame jokes over and over again when prompted by the same stimulus. He's a kid who tends to fill awkward silences with random bursts of casual racism. The Let's Play itself is recorded by a hand-held video recorder, capturing all the ambient noises in his room. Ceiling lights reflect off the monitor. In an odd bit of synchronicity, the viewer is made complicit with the player's confusion in one level where this light obscures an important clue that the player himself doesn't notice for a few minutes.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzr0aTssK0s
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcq5ooJaQvY
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmsk5FRRLSI
Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMVVhP8e77A
Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTbHwWzKC94

Edit: This is becoming even more racist as I watch. "I love Italian people They make spaghetti and pizza and Mamma Mia! And they made Mario. Well, Japanese people did. Japanese people created an Italian person. What's the world coming to? Well, Japanese people made American people. You know, all of Earthbound. Yeah, I went there." -.-;

flipchen's picture

The game you cannot win

Game File: 

Why don't you try to save earth from the alien invasion for a change?

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SpindleyQ's picture


Save/load works! HOORAY. Stackless has some pretty fantastic technology inside of it that nobody in the world freakin' uses because they're dumb. (Well, okay, there's EVE Online and this guy's engine. I'll probably steal an idea or two from that guy, but I haven't needed to yet.)


mcc's picture



This is a variation on my glorious trainwrecks game from last week:
based on the way SophieH incorrectly played it.

In this game your goal is to climb down as far as possible into an infinite abyss of cubes. But be careful, you take falling damage...

I'm saying this was a 3 hour game. I started at about 1:10, and I finished at about 5:10, and I spent about 45 minutes in there arguing with a pharmacist. Someday. Someday, I will finish a Glorious Trainwreck game inside the 2 hour limit.

Source code: https://bitbucket.org/runhello/fall

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gisbrecht's picture

Frogger Football


Frogger Football also known as Frogger Revelations: Soccer Crisis in NTSC regions.

Frogger must use his hands to defend the radioactive van from destruction!!! The hope of Utopia depends on it.

The van is radioactive so Frogger cannot touch it.

WASD - Move left hand
Arrows - Move right hand

R - reset game

Music is the opening of Inu No Omawarisan 犬のおまわりさん http://www13.big.or.jp/~sparrow/MIDI-inunoomawarisan.html

Made for Grid 3 Utopia + Animals with Hands + Vsan

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wibi's picture

super security protocol


Oh no GLorious Trainwrekcs is under a ddos threat! Hide your smartwatches kids! Will Juni be able to ward off the hacker?????? in this Knytt Stories level?

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